Greetings and salutations to all, I'm a long time reader and 1st time poster....
I'm just getting into this hobby and I have a few general noob questions I'm hopping some of you will help me with.
I just built a new box to run gbpvr its a MSI Mega 180 HTPC
Have any of you built one of these yet? Its a pretty sweet little box. Mine is doing pretty well but I'm having some trouble with the IR features.
I put a Hauppauge PVR250 in it (not mce). It came with a small silver remote and an IR dongle. I can get the hauppauge remote working with the GBPVR interface but I would like to use the remote that came with the system or perhaps one of the original TV remotes. The 180 has a built in IR system to support its remote. Is there any way I can use it instead of the Hauppauge remote?
How do I get the GBPVR to change my Charter/Motorola cable box so I can watch the digital channels?
My other question is about zap2it TV listings. Is zap2it the best service to use? It said its free for a trial. Can somebody tell me what it costs to use or if there is something better?
I'm just getting into this hobby and I have a few general noob questions I'm hopping some of you will help me with.
I just built a new box to run gbpvr its a MSI Mega 180 HTPC
Have any of you built one of these yet? Its a pretty sweet little box. Mine is doing pretty well but I'm having some trouble with the IR features.
I put a Hauppauge PVR250 in it (not mce). It came with a small silver remote and an IR dongle. I can get the hauppauge remote working with the GBPVR interface but I would like to use the remote that came with the system or perhaps one of the original TV remotes. The 180 has a built in IR system to support its remote. Is there any way I can use it instead of the Hauppauge remote?
How do I get the GBPVR to change my Charter/Motorola cable box so I can watch the digital channels?
My other question is about zap2it TV listings. Is zap2it the best service to use? It said its free for a trial. Can somebody tell me what it costs to use or if there is something better?