2021-10-09, 10:11 PM
Updated to v5.2.1.211003
2021-10-09, 10:11 PM
Updated to v5.2.1.211003
2021-10-20, 08:49 PM
Updated to v5.2.2.211017
Also updated libbluray, handbrake
2021-11-05, 06:26 PM
Interested in giving this a try but link to your image in first post requires a Docker id/password which I don't have. Can you open up the link or publish details of the image so I can try it out. Thanks Chris
Server NextPVR Official Docker
Recordings: OpenMediaVault (v7.x) NAS, NFS share, mounted to Docker container Client: Docker JellyFin, NextPVR addon, Amazon Firestick, Jellyfin Addon
2021-11-05, 08:06 PM
(2021-11-05, 06:26 PM)ceejayemm Wrote: Hi Try this link: https://hub.docker.com/r/marklambert/nex...cextractor I logged in to DockerHub and got redirected to that URL. Then I tried it in another browser where I wasn't logged in and was able to see the page.
2021-11-09, 02:57 PM
Sorry, didn't get email notification on this. I'll see if I can figure out why you got that prompt.
2021-11-09, 04:06 PM
Thanks to @pkskout I got access to the document behind the link. It didn't however tell me much more than I had already worked out.
I have the image running but I would like to enable comskip particularly in order to match my current physical production setup running on a RPi 4B. I normally run comskip there via a PostProcessing.sh file. How do I configure comskip (where does the comskip.ini file go ?) and get it accessible via a similar PostProcessing script for the Docker image to use ? Thanks Chris
Server NextPVR Official Docker
Recordings: OpenMediaVault (v7.x) NAS, NFS share, mounted to Docker container Client: Docker JellyFin, NextPVR addon, Amazon Firestick, Jellyfin Addon
2021-11-09, 04:22 PM
You should be mounting at least the following directories (the left side is my NAS path in this case)
volumes: - /volume/config/nextpvr:/config - /volume/video/nextpvr/recordings:/recordings - /volume/video/nextpvr/buffer:/buffer Everything under /config is accessible inside the container so you can put the ini file(s) in your scripts folder or create another folder to store them in. Then just pass them in using the docker internal path when calling comskip in the PostProcessing.sh file. comskip is on the path in the container, or you can give the full path /usr/local/bin/comskip
2021-11-09, 04:24 PM
The location of comksip.ini can be a parameter with --ini= so you could put it wherever you want. I would suggest you use /config/comskip.ini in PostProcessing.sh and put comskip.ini wherever you set up /config
2021-11-10, 05:20 PM
Thanks to all who help with this question.
I already had the volumes mounted as suggested and so I copied the comskip.ini and PostProcessing.sh files from my RPi to the Docker host folder point to be the the /config volume, using the /ini= option to make sure comskip picked it up. I adjusted the paths as necessary and, once I remembered to make the .sh file executable, a trial recording produced the necessary .edl file to work with Kodi. Now so long as Ranbato keeps his images in line with the NextPVR releases I can consider moving the NextPVR server from my RPi 4B to this new Docker based installation. Again, thanks to all who helped. Chris
Server NextPVR Official Docker
Recordings: OpenMediaVault (v7.x) NAS, NFS share, mounted to Docker container Client: Docker JellyFin, NextPVR addon, Amazon Firestick, Jellyfin Addon
2021-11-14, 10:35 PM
Updated to v5.2.3.211114
Some new options in the build this time so let me know if you encounter issues. |