2022-12-20, 10:10 PM
I have set up IPTV with the following m3u file:
and it works fine. I have used xmltv to create epg.xml - and I can confirm this works perfectly with PVR Simple Client in Kodi, so I think I've done it correctly. However, the EPG info does not load in NextPVR.
Looking at the logs, I see this:
I believe this is after I try to use the auto map function. So does my m3u file (above) look in the wrong format? And can you think of any other reason why it cannot load my pvr.xml info? Thank you!
I have set up IPTV with the following m3u file:
#EXTM3U Rich
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="84.tvguide.co.uk" tvg-logo="removed.png" group-title="General",BBC One
and it works fine. I have used xmltv to create epg.xml - and I can confirm this works perfectly with PVR Simple Client in Kodi, so I think I've done it correctly. However, the EPG info does not load in NextPVR.
Looking at the logs, I see this:
2022-12-20 22:00:49.010 [ERROR][92] Unexpected error looking up m3u channel ids