2024-09-13, 05:32 AM
(2024-09-11, 01:34 PM)mvallevand Wrote: On the Settings->Transcoder page make sure "Avoid transcoding where possible (for better performance)" is set I don't know if there might be an issue when nvenc encoding is set try setting that to CPU.
CBS-Greenbay was not transcoding even to the browser so again it is not every channel. For channels that transcode maybe take your URL from the m3u file and let us know what these show.
curl -I URL
curl URL
I figured out what was going on. Its running from other pc, but I am trying to run stuff on it to make it work without the other pc using nextpvr. can two nextpvr talk to each other? the chrome capture uses 5589 port.
The non-channels m3u looks like this
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="ESPN",ESPNHD
However, it wont' connect to 5589 on other pc even after trying port forward on other pc int/ext 5589 and my pc 5589/ext 5590. I am not sure what to do, but I figured it isnt nextpvr or channels. Using channels system (which requires 8 dollars a month - it uses another port but downsamples for some reason).
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="1037" tvg-id="1037" tvg-chno="1037" tvg-logo="https://tmsimg.fancybits.co/assets/s32645_h3_aa.png?w=360&h=270" tvc-guide-stationid="32645" tvg-name="ESPNHD" group-title="HD",ESPNHD