The duplicates only show up in the TV Guide of the web client and not in the Settings > Channels. I'm not surprised they don't show up in the db.
I have tried the Brave browser and Firefox on a Linux Mint 22 PC and a Windows 11 PC as well as Brave and Safari on an iPad - all showing the duplicates. I have also tried deleting the browser cache and reloading.
What could be causing the browser TV Guide to show the duplicates?
Yeah I'm looking in the TV Guide, but not seeing the same as your screenshot.
So that we're sure we're looking at the same thing, can you upload another npvr.db3, and a screenshot of what you're seeing with that current database?
Just to be clear, I have multiple instances of the same channel from different IPTV devices. That's not what I'm talking about. The channels that show the black rows are the duplicates I'm talking about.
Sending copy of db in PM shortly.
Ah yeah it's definitely to do with that. I see if I select your 'News' group, I see something similar. If I go back to 'All Channels' then there is only a single set.
You are correct. The duplicates only show up in the different Groups. They do not show up in the All Channels.
I will use the new NShared.dll and let you know results.