2005-12-08, 01:18 AM
Since up-grading to GBPVR09514 and then to GBPVR09515, I am no longer able to perform EPG up-dates. Each attemp returns a message "Failure in ChannelFactory:
toreChannels(): The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data". This is strange in that I've been using the programme quite sucessfully since version GBPVR09310 without any difficulties, and have not changed anything in the computer durring that time. (Remarkably stable programme).
I've tried reducing the number of days down to 1 to no avail. I even tried uninstalling the programme, deleting the directory, and reinstalling from scratch, and again, the same thing.
Your help is appreciated.
[IMG]C:\Documents and Settings\mouse.POLGARA\My Documents\My Pictures\Failure Message.bmp[/IMG]

I've tried reducing the number of days down to 1 to no avail. I even tried uninstalling the programme, deleting the directory, and reinstalling from scratch, and again, the same thing.
Your help is appreciated.
[IMG]C:\Documents and Settings\mouse.POLGARA\My Documents\My Pictures\Failure Message.bmp[/IMG]