2006-04-01, 02:59 AM
I'm using the most current version of GBPVR (96.12) and I'm trying to get Postprocessing.bat working with Comskip + Comclean. Comskip works just fine (generates the .txt files and everything), however Comclean appears to only rename the file to * _original.mpg but doesn't create the cleaned *.mpg file.
All I did was remove the "rem" from the call comclean line in the Comskip-provided postprocessing.bat file.
Not sure if this is related, but my postprocessing.log file says:
Prostprocessing.bat invoked on "C:\TV\Manual Recordings\17 WPVI_20060331212000.mpg" recorded from channel 17
pRostprocessing????? Is that the cause of the problem?
All I did was remove the "rem" from the call comclean line in the Comskip-provided postprocessing.bat file.
Not sure if this is related, but my postprocessing.log file says:
Prostprocessing.bat invoked on "C:\TV\Manual Recordings\17 WPVI_20060331212000.mpg" recorded from channel 17
pRostprocessing????? Is that the cause of the problem?