I will post Known Limitations and Bugs here.
Updated the BaseSkin to v2.5 on the Wiki
The big difference is that BaseSkin is split to 2 parts
BaseSkin and BaseSKinPlugins.
Introduced a system variable &SKINROOT% that will be used for next update of ThemePacks.
Run InstallSkin.bat to run SkinRoot program and install Blank font
Skin files change
Changed the loading order of Background_Mask.png
Implemented earlier fixes, found in support thread.
Changed XML values to fix "minor bugs" and appearance of popups in TVguilde, Recordings, Video, System, Photo.
BaseSkin 2.2 issues known
Recordings menu, Title and SubTiltle are overlapping....update recording skin
Recordings menu, descrition firld now big enough....update Tvguide skin
Plugin "bugs" with ThemePacks
There are no known limitations to the ThemePacks themself,
but several plugins does not handle task images correct. This will result in that icons for the plugin are not shown in main menu for some themes like.....SharperEdge and Horizon
These plugins are News, Solitaire, Calculator, SecurityCam, XRecord, XSearch, XGuide....
Plugin "misbehaviour"
The Xrecord series plugins also behave strange and does not rescale the images correct when a higher resolution is used in the main menu for a Theme or with the Horizon Theme.
Appearance Manager Support
Only Contour and MCE2BlueAM ThemePacks works with AM.
Apply a ThemePack on BaseSkin
To apply a ThemePack, just run the EXE file and it will replace all graphics and som sub menus...... Main Menu, OSD submenu, Panels submenu
The EXE file is created with WinRar so it is possible to extract the content into a sub directory of the /skins/baseskin/allbaseskins/ directory and apply the themepacks from the theme directory named Advisor.xxxx
Just run the bat file CopyTheme.bat and the theme graphics will be copied to the skin.
I work that way. I have almost 30 Advisor.xxxx theme directories now.
So I use many Theme designs.
Download skin
BaseSkin v2.5
Download Themes
ThemesManager with ThemePacks in the BaseSkin
Download the ThemesManager from the Wiki
Download and Save the ThemePacks to the BaseSkin root.
UnZip the Advisor.XXXX.exe with WinRar to an Advisor.XXXX sub direcory.
I have started to redo all ThemePacks so they will extract themself with directly into an Advisor.XXXX directory instead of the /allbaseskins, as they do now.
Plugin updates
Updated the BaseSkin to v2.5 on the Wiki
The big difference is that BaseSkin is split to 2 parts
BaseSkin and BaseSKinPlugins.
Introduced a system variable &SKINROOT% that will be used for next update of ThemePacks.
Run InstallSkin.bat to run SkinRoot program and install Blank font
Skin files change
Changed the loading order of Background_Mask.png
Implemented earlier fixes, found in support thread.
Changed XML values to fix "minor bugs" and appearance of popups in TVguilde, Recordings, Video, System, Photo.
BaseSkin 2.2 issues known
Recordings menu, Title and SubTiltle are overlapping....update recording skin
Recordings menu, descrition firld now big enough....update Tvguide skin
Plugin "bugs" with ThemePacks
There are no known limitations to the ThemePacks themself,
but several plugins does not handle task images correct. This will result in that icons for the plugin are not shown in main menu for some themes like.....SharperEdge and Horizon
These plugins are News, Solitaire, Calculator, SecurityCam, XRecord, XSearch, XGuide....
Plugin "misbehaviour"
The Xrecord series plugins also behave strange and does not rescale the images correct when a higher resolution is used in the main menu for a Theme or with the Horizon Theme.
Appearance Manager Support
Only Contour and MCE2BlueAM ThemePacks works with AM.
Apply a ThemePack on BaseSkin
To apply a ThemePack, just run the EXE file and it will replace all graphics and som sub menus...... Main Menu, OSD submenu, Panels submenu
The EXE file is created with WinRar so it is possible to extract the content into a sub directory of the /skins/baseskin/allbaseskins/ directory and apply the themepacks from the theme directory named Advisor.xxxx
Just run the bat file CopyTheme.bat and the theme graphics will be copied to the skin.
I work that way. I have almost 30 Advisor.xxxx theme directories now.
So I use many Theme designs.
Download skin
BaseSkin v2.5
Download Themes
ThemesManager with ThemePacks in the BaseSkin
Download the ThemesManager from the Wiki
Download and Save the ThemePacks to the BaseSkin root.
UnZip the Advisor.XXXX.exe with WinRar to an Advisor.XXXX sub direcory.
I have started to redo all ThemePacks so they will extract themself with directly into an Advisor.XXXX directory instead of the /allbaseskins, as they do now.
Plugin updates
Best Regards
Antec Fusion case with Gigabyte GA-MA78GM-SH, AMD X2 4850e, 2GB RAM, AMD780G Onboard graphics. WinTV-PVR 150 MCE (With FM), Twinhan DVB-T, 750GB + 250GB HDD. Windows XP Pro SP3, MCE 2005 Remote, 29" 4:3 monitor and a 47" Philips 9603H LCD[/SIZE]
Antec Fusion case with Gigabyte GA-MA78GM-SH, AMD X2 4850e, 2GB RAM, AMD780G Onboard graphics. WinTV-PVR 150 MCE (With FM), Twinhan DVB-T, 750GB + 250GB HDD. Windows XP Pro SP3, MCE 2005 Remote, 29" 4:3 monitor and a 47" Philips 9603H LCD[/SIZE]