2010-08-18, 06:22 AM
Read the survival guide and the dummy guide and I am still confused. Does MVPMCx2 need the NMT software installed? Does the PCH need a hard drive to work with NPVR?
2010-08-18, 06:22 AM
Read the survival guide and the dummy guide and I am still confused. Does MVPMCx2 need the NMT software installed? Does the PCH need a hard drive to work with NPVR?
2010-08-18, 07:42 AM
No to both.
Commonly, the PCH loads the MVPMCX2 software from a share on a server (via an http link on the PCH) although it is possible to have the software load from a hard disc or usb stick on the PCH.
2010-08-19, 05:34 AM
I ran the install and the PCH can see the share. I access the html file there which presents 3 options. "N-PVR", "N-PVR via Network Broser", and "N-PVR via USB"
Since I don't have a USB drive hooked up I didn't test that option. I tried the first two, but both failed.
2010-08-19, 05:40 AM
Post the output from your NMT Syntax check as I wrote to you yesterday.
http://forums.gbpvr.com//showthread.php?...post385923 Martin
2010-08-20, 05:59 AM
Here are the results of NMTChecker.
Here is the current setup: 1. GBPVR - handling analog recording on 2 HVR2250s and digital on one HVR1600. It is running 0 MVP/NMT servers. 2. NPVR - handling digital recording on the two HVR2250s and one HDHomeRun dual tuner as well as the analog of the HVR1600. It is running one MVP/NMT server. 3. A PCH A-110 attached to the TV. I have a few shares available and it is able to play recorded files from the GBPVR/NPVR folders that are shared. The PCH does not have a hard drive so none of the software is installed. 4. I ran the NMT installer but I have not been able to start NPVR.
2010-08-20, 11:57 AM
I see two major problems getting in your way.
1. You have your display mode set to Auto. This is not an allowed mode for mvpmcx2 and is only used for debugging and discouraged for use using the NMT software. 2. Your mvpmc share is not mapped as a share on the NMT so option 1 is impossible. Martin
2010-08-23, 04:27 AM
Thanks, I changed the items you mentioned as well as edited the cgi file to have it point to the correct server.
It is working now. |