2011-01-02, 01:35 AM
I was using an MVP with GBPVR until I got a PCH-110 in August. I started using that with GBPVR until I upgraded to NPVR in mid-December. That was working fine until I upgraded to 1.5.36. I had problems with my analog tuners with Sub fixed in a recent patch. Trying to get it working, I uninstalled & installed & went back & forth between 1.5.33 & 1.5.36. Now, I can't get the PCH to connect to NPVR. I am not sure when it stopped working. All I know is that it did work with 1.5.33 & now it doesn't work with 1.5.36. I tested to see if it would still connect with GBPVR & it does. I use a USB stick & I have it automatically start the emulation since I only use it with GBPVR/NPVR. When I try to connect, it displays the screen that says it will load automatically unless I hit ENTER & after the indicated seconds it attemps to bring up the interface. It never succeeds & keeps retrying.
This is my output from NMT Syntax Checker:
I attached a zip of the contents of my USB stick that is attached to the NMT. (I removed the Plugin.Music.zip & Skin.Mayhem3.zip from this zip file to save upload space. I should probably delete them from the USB drive, as well.)
I also attached my logs. (Two logs were in use since I am recording so I had to use copies of them in the zip.)
This is my output from NMT Syntax Checker:
Checking for mvpmc share on DELL9100
mvpmc C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\NPVR\NMT
Checking GB-PVR.html links
<a href="http://localhost.drives:8883/USB_DRIVE_A-1/mvpmc/usb_a.cgi">GB-PVR via USB</a>
NMT IP Address: MAC 0006DC8024C6
GB-PVR Installed F:\Program Files\devnz\gbpvr\
config.xml entry found Client Type PCH2
MVPSendIncrementalUpdates true
MVPClientType PCH2
MVPWidth 1280
MVPHeight 720
MVPOffsetX 0
MVPOffsetY 0
WebServerEnabled true
WebServerNMTStreamingEnabled true
WebServerPort 7647
Unable to connect to the remote server
N-PVR Installed C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\NPVR
config.xml entry found Client Type PCH2
MVPSendIncrementalUpdates true
MVPClientType PCH2
MVPWidth 1180
MVPHeight 680
MVPOffsetX 40
MVPOffsetY 32
Enabled true
Port 8866
The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
Checking NMT Version
Checking NMT Display
Calling NMT Source
I attached a zip of the contents of my USB stick that is attached to the NMT. (I removed the Plugin.Music.zip & Skin.Mayhem3.zip from this zip file to save upload space. I should probably delete them from the USB drive, as well.)
I also attached my logs. (Two logs were in use since I am recording so I had to use copies of them in the zip.)