2014-03-29, 02:28 AM
You can download 3.2.9 from http://www.gbpvr.com/NPVRSetup_3_2_9.exe
If you're upgrading from a previous release, remember to make sure you stop NextPVR before running the upgrade.
Please post any support issues in the support forum.
If you're upgrading from a previous release, remember to make sure you stop NextPVR before running the upgrade.
Please post any support issues in the support forum.
Quote:- improvements to the layout and look of icon mode in library screens. Icon lists now scroll vertically instead of horizontally.
- leaf nodes in video library now shows a details screen if metadata exists. May add option to also show this screen in the Recordings screen.
- added new IMetadataPlugin interface, for new class of plugins, called at recording completion, to allow for improved file naming, and auto downloading of additional metadata and artwork. I may need to change this interface, so plugin can UI way for user to select other artwork/metadata if it gets it wrong.
- added new "Filter" menu option in the Recordings screen for users that have more than one recording directory, allow you to show just the "KIDS" recordings etc
- video/music/picture library now gives useful error if the user tries to delete a file but it cant (like readonly or access denied etc).
- fixed bug where PLAYBACK_POSITION history wouldn't be deleted for recordings auto deleted due to 'keep x recordings' when scheduling recurring recording.
- fixed bug that could lead to duplicate DVB EPG entries
- fixed a problem that could lead to DVB EPG entries being in the wrong timezone
- changes to web api:
added method=recording.color.toggle&recording_id=123&color=blue
method=recording.list will now also detail red/green/yellow/blue flags
- updated NEWA (thanks UJB!)
- improvement to the speed of video library loading of artwork and metadata (mainly via improvements to the caching scheme). It'll probably only be noticeable on network video directories though. I notice a big improvement for my Video Library, in my-now-preferred icon mode, using a NAS full of movies.
- fanart backgrounds are now loaded asynchronously, and only when the user stops moving around, to improve responsiveness.
- fanart now also carries through to the new Video details screens
- fixed old bug in Covers view in Video screen, where '..' folder could be shown behind artwork, and showing through if artwork was not big enough
- fixed bug where webclient menu screen would stop responding
- IPTV device makes a return. This time it's a little more flexible, now handling http/udp/rtp transport streams
- fixed a problem with iso playback via webclient.
- fixed problem with changing channel groups in the now/next popup in live tv.
- fixed EPG mapping display problem when viewing channel settings in multi-lineup Schedules Direct setups.
- now has option to give a popup if you reach the end of recording playback prompting for deletion. ("This recording was watched to completion. Would you like to delete this recording?")
- added support for high-definition DVB Subtitles
- fixed a problem that could cause NextPVR in window mode to start out with the wrong shape window, which would jump to the correct shape when you tried resizing it.
- fixed a problem where recordings could be moved to a disabled tuner
- added support for Media Companion style metadata in video library (ie, just minor tweaks to the filenames etc).
- if you have movies in individual directories, you can also have an extra "-trailer" video file in the directory (as created by Media Companion), and the video library will show "Trailer" button for watching it.
- recordings with show titles that only vary by upper/lower case are now grouped together in the Recordings screen.
- added 'exit' action for web clients
- fixed a minor skin issue where text would occassionally get slightly wider when quite a few items were in the list and you'd scroll down and back up the list.
- recording list is exported slightly earlier in the EPG update process, so that it's been done before PostUpdateEPG.bat is executed.
- fixed a crash that would occur if you tried to change an ATSC/QAM channel to H.264. While not common, we have started to encounter some channels that require it.
- fixed a problem with analog recordings.
- fixed an incorrect message shown when attempting to delete a recording using NScriptHelper.exe
- added support for XMLTV shows with "®" in the title to indicate a rerun.
- fixed bugs with HDHR plugin when multiple network adapters were present, and HDHR devices were not on default NIC.
- added an extra EPG loading API to speed things up for NEWA json API
- now able to control recording priority in Recordings screen Recurring list. Pretty much the same as GBPVR, use the skip forward/back to change priority. It'll only let you do this when the sort order is 'Priority' or 'Priority Descending'. If you try it on 'A-Z' or 'Z-A', it'll give you a message to tell you why it cant do it.
- added "-genre" command to NScriptHelper.exe, to get the primary genre of a recording
- added a new 'Freesat (UK)' EPG option, which tells that app to use the existing DVB EPG functionality, but only from the Freesat EPG transponder (cutting down the time to fetch the EPG)
- improved handling of partial or broken responses from Schedules Direct.
- reduced memory requirements for processing of live stream for analog/hdpvr/hdhr-prime devices, which could previously lead to errors/crashes on machines with limited memory
- implemented a basic default metadata plugin which will look up metadata and show artwork from TheTVDB. Metadata plugins are called soon after a recording is started. Can be disabled in the setting screen.
- added 'Metadata' button in the Video Library, which can be used to download metadata/artwork for the selected folder.
- if metadata/artwork downloading is enabled, it'll now auto download shows without artwork in the TV Guide when you view a show's details.
- added option to use new single/multi file screens in the Recording Ready list when you click on a group. This will be off by default, but may evolve in that direction in the 3.3 if users seem interested.
- added a few more skinning options in new single/multi screens. @genre, @duration, @subtitle, @subtitleOrAirDate
- slight behavior change of recording failures in pre-padding. Instead of immediately marking the recording as failed, it'll try again after the pre-padding period.
- 'blue' key now toggles view in the Library screens.
- watched indicator now also show in video library.
- fixed issue with resume in new screens.