2018-03-18, 09:33 PM
A couple of days ago Vaders Streams changed their panel from an M3U that passed username and password to one that passes a token. This gave NextPVR a fit. I made double sure the channels updated properly. Even completly uninstalled and reinstalled to make sure it was clean.
The old M3U url format was: (pass x'd out)
The new format is: (token changed so it's invalid).
Looking at the logs It giving errors like:
Don't know how to interpret your log,but that don't look right?
I've attached the logs. Any ideas?
The old M3U url format was: (pass x'd out)
The new format is: (token changed so it's invalid).
Looking at the logs It giving errors like:
Failed to connect to location http://vapi.vaders.tv/.../8198.ts?.... [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]
Don't know how to interpret your log,but that don't look right?
I've attached the logs. Any ideas?