2020-10-28, 03:46 AM
Just switched my server over to v5 on Linux and am still working through some setup items. My wife pointed out the "Search" (EPG) doesn't work. Running Kodi with knewc as a UI on the server and when I select "Search" from the menu it makes the UI selection noise, but the screen doesn't change. I also can't back out or do anything in knewc. I have to close knewc and restart the addon.
I went and tried it on my ODroid N2 CoreELEC with knewc in another room. On that client selecting the Search menu item results in a black screen that I couldn't get out of until I hit enough remote buttons, I think it may have been the menu button that brought me back to Kodi.
Logs attached. I started messing around with it about 22:05 on the server-kodi and around 22:20 (or 22:22?) on the client-kodi. Based on what I see in the logs, the server-kodi seemed to be doing something called "slideout" instead of search, but client-kodi seemed to be requesting a "search".
Any thoughts?
I went and tried it on my ODroid N2 CoreELEC with knewc in another room. On that client selecting the Search menu item results in a black screen that I couldn't get out of until I hit enough remote buttons, I think it may have been the menu button that brought me back to Kodi.
Logs attached. I started messing around with it about 22:05 on the server-kodi and around 22:20 (or 22:22?) on the client-kodi. Based on what I see in the logs, the server-kodi seemed to be doing something called "slideout" instead of search, but client-kodi seemed to be requesting a "search".
Any thoughts?
Server: Ryzen 5 3600 3.6GHz: 16GB RAM: ASRock Phantom D/RX570: SDD: 512GB HDDs: 5TB, 8TB, 8TB
Linux Mint v20, NPVR v5.1.3.210711
Tuners: Hauppauge PVR-2250-MC Dual Tuner, HDHR Duo ATSC Tuner
Clients: Knewc on CE-ODroid N2 x2, N2+, LE-RPi4, PCs x2
Linux Mint v20, NPVR v5.1.3.210711
Tuners: Hauppauge PVR-2250-MC Dual Tuner, HDHR Duo ATSC Tuner
Clients: Knewc on CE-ODroid N2 x2, N2+, LE-RPi4, PCs x2