2022-02-22, 03:22 PM
I try to create a playlist m3u mpd drm file as below
#KODIPROP:inputstream.adaptive.license_type=com.widevine.alpha#KODIPROP:inputstream.adaptive.license_key=https://domain.com/?deviceId=NjcwYWI2ZGEtYzE4Yi0zZWFlLTljOWYtZGEzOGIwYWFjN2I1#EXTINF:0 tvg-id="" tvg-name="" tvg-logo="http://dusktill.masuk.web.id/img/net.png" group-title="Lokal",NEThttps://domain.com/live/eds/NetTV-HD/sa_dash_vmx/NetTV-HD.mpd
I imported to iptv playlist nextpvr this m3u playlist can't be played
I have tried in tivimete and ott navigator can be in play run well
Does nextvpr not support mpd files with drm keys?
I hope that in the future nextvpr can add mpd drm feature in the iptv section
#KODIPROP:inputstream.adaptive.license_type=com.widevine.alpha#KODIPROP:inputstream.adaptive.license_key=https://domain.com/?deviceId=NjcwYWI2ZGEtYzE4Yi0zZWFlLTljOWYtZGEzOGIwYWFjN2I1#EXTINF:0 tvg-id="" tvg-name="" tvg-logo="http://dusktill.masuk.web.id/img/net.png" group-title="Lokal",NEThttps://domain.com/live/eds/NetTV-HD/sa_dash_vmx/NetTV-HD.mpd
I imported to iptv playlist nextpvr this m3u playlist can't be played
I have tried in tivimete and ott navigator can be in play run well
Does nextvpr not support mpd files with drm keys?
I hope that in the future nextvpr can add mpd drm feature in the iptv section