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I've been playing with the XRecord skin (both the community skin 3 and the beta CS4 HD skin) and have 2 questions (I assume the answer would be the same for both, but if not...I eventually plan to move to the CS4HD once all the bugs are worked out.

1. I see that the skin is pulling images both from ...\gbpvr\media\art\ and from my recording that order. Is it possible to set the skin to look for images in the recording directories first and only use the media\art\ path if it does not find anything?

2. In the Recordings "plugin" I can skin it to show both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect images without distortion by using:

fixedAspectRatio="true" align="center" valign="center"

on lines that specify the size/location of the images. I have set the size of the image such that it is 16:9, but using the above code any 4:3 image display such that they fill the height of this space and the width is scaled properly to maintain the aspect ratio (i.e., there is some unused space to the left and right sides as the properly scaled image is centered). I tried adding these commands to the lines specifying image size in the XRecord skin, but it has no effect...aspect is automatically the same as the size of the image regardless of the original aspect of the image. Is there some way to make the skin preserve the aspect of the images or would this require coding changes to the plugin?
You are correct, the search order is hard coded to search the media\art directory first and then the show's directory. If you look at this thread it seems this order was requested. Added making this order configurable to my to-do list.

As for the skinning question hopefully a skinning expert can answer. Perhaps that feature doesn't work in legacy plugins?
Just added a "Folder Image First" setting in the XRecord plugin settings screen. Checking this should allow your XRecord to use folder images before media\art images. Try the version on the wiki and let me know.
Works great...thanks!

Any chance you would be interested in adding a "page down" functionality that would move the list of shows/icons down one page at a time instead of the 1 row at a time that comes with the down arrow. I modify my skin to be 3 rows high and it would be great to have the ability to jump down so that one button press gets all new shows in the 3 rows each button press. I'm sure you are busy, so if this does not seem worth your time right now, that is fine. But I figure it can't hurt to ask.

Thanks again for adding the image folder option!
Glad the folder search order option works for you. Added the PgDn thing to my todo list.
Uploaded a new version that does PgUp/PgDn in the advanced list. Actually the feature already existed and was bound to Ctrl-Left/Ctrl-Right so I now also accept PgUp/PgDn to do the same thing.
Thanks! I downloaded & great!