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Full Version: Manually add channels
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I am having issues with adding a channel to my analog tuner list. I can scan for the channel and it finds it, but when i get an unhandled exception. Is there any way I can add the channel manually, IE in a file somewhere with the frequency. Thanks.
If it's an analog channel, on the device setup screen (same place where you click "Scan") just click "Add" and type in the number. There's nothing more to it than that.
... unless you need this patch

Yeh that's the problem, when i do that i still get the unhandled exception error.
I'll try that and see if it works for me. Before the upgrade nextpvr was working perfectly. I'm running it on an old laptop and it would go to sleep, wake to record, and never had any issues. Ever since i upgraded it's worked, but it no longer wakes from sleep and I've had to set up a task to restart nextpvr recording service at 6:30pm otherwise it stops and my recordings give me the recording service not running at time of recording error.

Well that patch seems to have worked, not getting the unhandled exception anymore. Thanks a bunch for the help.
I knew there had to be more to this question, since the obvious answer was way too obvious. I don't think I'll bother answering questions any more, I no longer know enough about NPVR current release details and bugs to be of any help.
johnsonx42 Wrote:I knew there had to be more to this question, since the obvious answer was way too obvious. I don't think I'll bother answering questions any more, I no longer know enough about NPVR current release details and bugs to be of any help.

Unfortunately no one maintains the list of patches that you used to keep and the online update is woefully out of date. After the update once sub's interest in posting updates fades it does get very difficult. Also now that NextPVR seems to be tipping into the grey areas of IPTV I am not sure I want to support software I can't whole heartily endorse.

johnsonx42 Wrote:I knew there had to be more to this question, since the obvious answer was way too obvious. I don't think I'll bother answering questions any more, I no longer know enough about NPVR current release details and bugs to be of any help.

Don't give up i've found that sometimes even when you think you gave half an answer or what might look like the wrong answer will still help someone.
mvallevand Wrote:Unfortunately no one maintains the list of patches that you used to keep and the online update is woefully out of date. After the update once sub's interest in posting updates fades it does get very difficult. Also now that NextPVR seems to be tipping into the grey areas of IPTV I am not sure I want to support software I can't whole heartily endorse.

I hope that nextpvr works well into the future, even though i am not a fan of windows nextpvr is the perfect setup for my pvr. I have not found another pvr setup the has all the features that nextpvr has, especially the samsung tv option. Tvheadhend works with ota, but the epg is a bit harder to setup. And my cable provider still broadcast the lower channels in analog, so i can record all the shows i want. So its my best bet for now.