2011-03-26, 01:57 PM
Last week I was still using a previous version of mvpmcx on my PCH A110 and used GBPVR. On my PCH A110 I used a Webservice to call the GBPVR on my PC. In my PCH A110 there is a hard disk installed. NPVR was already working on my PC but I waited to switch over on the PCH. Last week I wanted to switch over to NPVR. I started to install mvpmcx2 3.3 with the NMT Community installer. I started to upgrade the mvpmcx to the new version but that took a very long time (30 minutes) so I had to break this upgrade off.
Then I removed mvpmcx with the NMT community installer but also this was not a success. The Web service on the PCH was gone but still I was not able to install the mvpmcx2 3.3 with the NMT Community installer. So on this moment nothing is working and I miss the NPVR in my living room.
The next thing I started is to install mvpmcx2 3.3 with the program NMTInstall2.exe but even that is not working.
I checked the installation with the NMT Syntax checker but I don't see a reason why the web service is not installed on my PCH.
Here is the log from the NMT checker:
Checking for mvpmc share on PANDA
mvpmc C:\mvpmc
Checking GB-PVR.html links
<a href="http://localhost.drives:8883/NETWORK_SHARE/PANDA:mvpmc/gbpvr.cgi">GB-PVR</a>
<a href="http://localhost.drives:8883/NETWORK_SHARE/NETWORK_BROWSER/browser.cgi">GB-PVR via Network Browser</a>
<a href="http://localhost.drives:8883/USB_DRIVE_A-1/mvpmc/usb_a.cgi">GB-PVR via USB</a>
NMT IP Address: MAC 0006DC804B3C
GB-PVR Installed C:\Program Files\Devnz\GBPVR\
config.xml entry found Client Type PCH2
MVPSendIncrementalUpdates true
MVPClientType PCH2
MVPWidth 1240
MVPHeight 680
MVPOffsetX 00
MVPOffsetY 00
WebServerEnabled true
WebServerNMTStreamingEnabled true
WebServerPort 7647
De externe server heeft een fout geretourneerd: (404) Niet gevonden.
N-PVR Installed C:\Users\Public\NPVR
<a href="http://localhost.drives:8883/NETWORK_SHARE/PANDA:mvpmc/npvr.cgi">N-PVR</a>
<a href="http://localhost.drives:8883/NETWORK_SHARE/NETWORK_BROWSER/browser.cgi">N-PVR via Network Browser</a>
<a href="http://localhost.drives:8883/USB_DRIVE_A-1/mvpmc/usb_a.cgi">N-PVR via USB</a>
config.xml entry found Client Type PCH2
MVPSendIncrementalUpdates true
MVPClientType PCH2
MVPWidth 1240
MVPHeight 680
MVPOffsetX 00
MVPOffsetY 00
Enabled true
Port 8866
Kan geen verbinding met de externe server maken
Checking NMT Version
Checking NMT Display
1080p 50Hz
Calling NMT Source
smb://PANDA/Wintv Username: Password Length: 0
Who could help me further to get my PCH and NPVR up and running again?
Richard Meijn
Then I removed mvpmcx with the NMT community installer but also this was not a success. The Web service on the PCH was gone but still I was not able to install the mvpmcx2 3.3 with the NMT Community installer. So on this moment nothing is working and I miss the NPVR in my living room.
The next thing I started is to install mvpmcx2 3.3 with the program NMTInstall2.exe but even that is not working.
I checked the installation with the NMT Syntax checker but I don't see a reason why the web service is not installed on my PCH.
Here is the log from the NMT checker:
Checking for mvpmc share on PANDA
mvpmc C:\mvpmc
Checking GB-PVR.html links
<a href="http://localhost.drives:8883/NETWORK_SHARE/PANDA:mvpmc/gbpvr.cgi">GB-PVR</a>
<a href="http://localhost.drives:8883/NETWORK_SHARE/NETWORK_BROWSER/browser.cgi">GB-PVR via Network Browser</a>
<a href="http://localhost.drives:8883/USB_DRIVE_A-1/mvpmc/usb_a.cgi">GB-PVR via USB</a>
NMT IP Address: MAC 0006DC804B3C
GB-PVR Installed C:\Program Files\Devnz\GBPVR\
config.xml entry found Client Type PCH2
MVPSendIncrementalUpdates true
MVPClientType PCH2
MVPWidth 1240
MVPHeight 680
MVPOffsetX 00
MVPOffsetY 00
WebServerEnabled true
WebServerNMTStreamingEnabled true
WebServerPort 7647
De externe server heeft een fout geretourneerd: (404) Niet gevonden.
N-PVR Installed C:\Users\Public\NPVR
<a href="http://localhost.drives:8883/NETWORK_SHARE/PANDA:mvpmc/npvr.cgi">N-PVR</a>
<a href="http://localhost.drives:8883/NETWORK_SHARE/NETWORK_BROWSER/browser.cgi">N-PVR via Network Browser</a>
<a href="http://localhost.drives:8883/USB_DRIVE_A-1/mvpmc/usb_a.cgi">N-PVR via USB</a>
config.xml entry found Client Type PCH2
MVPSendIncrementalUpdates true
MVPClientType PCH2
MVPWidth 1240
MVPHeight 680
MVPOffsetX 00
MVPOffsetY 00
Enabled true
Port 8866
Kan geen verbinding met de externe server maken
Checking NMT Version
Checking NMT Display
1080p 50Hz
Calling NMT Source
smb://PANDA/Wintv Username: Password Length: 0
Who could help me further to get my PCH and NPVR up and running again?
Richard Meijn