2013-01-08, 10:44 PM
Thank's sub, that seems to cover recordings. The other issue start recording and use the epg to stop recordings still acts like a delete from the db3 but leaves the files.
2013-01-08 17:36:56.516 [DEBUG][7] Temp at 08/01/2013 5:37:06 PM
2013-01-08 17:36:56.516 [DEBUG][7] Started recording (2890:2:C:\movies\Dino Dan\Dino Dan_20130108_17301741.ts)
2013-01-08 17:36:56.529 [DEBUG][7] Starting: C:\Users\Public\NPVR\Scripts\ParallelProcessing.bat "C:\movies\Dino Dan\Dino Dan_20130108_17301741.ts" 2 2890 1525
2013-01-08 17:38:41.260 [DEBUG][6] DeleteRecording(2890)
2013-01-08 17:38:42.262 [DEBUG][6] DeleteRecording@1
2013-01-08 17:38:42.262 [DEBUG][6] Cancelling wake up request for for 'RecordingOID2890'
2013-01-08 17:38:42.262 [DEBUG][7] recording service dequeued request to cancel (2890)
2013-01-08 17:38:42.272 [INFO][7] AnalogRecorder stream count now 0
2013-01-08 17:38:42.272 [DEBUG][7] Graph stopping...
2013-01-08 17:38:42.397 [DEBUG][6] -removing: C:\movies\Dino Dan\Dino Dan_20130108_17301741.ts
2013-01-08 17:38:42.408 [ERROR][6] Unexpected error in DeleteRecording(): System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file 'C:\movies\Dino Dan\Dino Dan_20130108_17301741.ts' because it is being used by another process.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.File.Delete(String path)
at NShared.RecordingService.DeleteFile(String filename)
at NShared.RecordingService.DeleteRecording(ScheduledRecording scheduledRecording)
2013-01-08 17:38:42.408 [DEBUG][6] DeleteRecording@exit
2013-01-08 17:38:42.488 [DEBUG][7] Graph stopped
2013-01-08 17:38:42.488 [DEBUG][7] Removing filter NPVR Writer2
2013-01-08 17:38:42.488 [DEBUG][7] Removing filter NPVR Writer