I'm running the Johnson42 comskip batch file and everything is working fine EXCEPT everyone of the programs is experiencing a 30 minute delay before processing starts. I'm listing the batch file below in the hope someone will see some setting I've gotten wrong that would cause this:
@echo off
cd /d c:\comskip
echo %date%,%time% - PostProcessing.bat invoked on %1 recorded from channel %2 >>processing.log
Rem list of channels to not run comskip on; PBS channels have no commercials
if "%2" == "2008" goto eof
if "%2" == "2078" goto eof
if "%2" == "2091" goto eof
if "%2" == "2092" goto eof
if "%2" == "2093" goto eof
if "%2" == "2094" goto eof
if "%2" == "2095" goto eof
if "%2" == "2096" goto eof
if "%2" == "2097" goto eof
goto next
echo skipping comskip on %1; channel %2 in skip list >>processing.log
goto continue
rem need to add a pause to avoid race conditions
echo --- sleeping %2 seconds to avoid simultaneous execution >>processing.log
sleep %2
rem check how many comskips are running; if 2 or more are running wait 1 minute and check again
rem the third parameter passed in npvr 1.5.36 and later is a unique recording oid number, so it makes a good filename to store the temporary count
tasklist | find /c "comskip" > %3.txt
set /p count= <%3.txt
if %count% geq 2 (
echo ...%count% comskips running now, waiting 1 minute >>processing.log
sleep 60
goto check
del %3.txt
rem continuing now
Rem this trick also makes it possible to have dedicated comskip.ini file for certain channels.
rem if "%2" == "79" goto channel79
Rem use the default comskip.ini for all other channels
rem goto generic
rem :channel79
rem comskip --ini=channel79.ini %1
rem goto continue
echo %date%,%time% - invoking comskip on %1 >>processing.log
comskip %1
echo %date%,%time% - comskip finished with %1 >>processing.log
@echo off
cd /d c:\comskip
echo %date%,%time% - PostProcessing.bat invoked on %1 recorded from channel %2 >>processing.log
Rem list of channels to not run comskip on; PBS channels have no commercials
if "%2" == "2008" goto eof
if "%2" == "2078" goto eof
if "%2" == "2091" goto eof
if "%2" == "2092" goto eof
if "%2" == "2093" goto eof
if "%2" == "2094" goto eof
if "%2" == "2095" goto eof
if "%2" == "2096" goto eof
if "%2" == "2097" goto eof
goto next
![Confused Confused](https://forums.nextpvr.com/images/smilies/confused.png)
echo skipping comskip on %1; channel %2 in skip list >>processing.log
goto continue
rem need to add a pause to avoid race conditions
echo --- sleeping %2 seconds to avoid simultaneous execution >>processing.log
sleep %2
rem check how many comskips are running; if 2 or more are running wait 1 minute and check again
rem the third parameter passed in npvr 1.5.36 and later is a unique recording oid number, so it makes a good filename to store the temporary count
tasklist | find /c "comskip" > %3.txt
set /p count= <%3.txt
if %count% geq 2 (
echo ...%count% comskips running now, waiting 1 minute >>processing.log
sleep 60
goto check
del %3.txt
rem continuing now
Rem this trick also makes it possible to have dedicated comskip.ini file for certain channels.
rem if "%2" == "79" goto channel79
Rem use the default comskip.ini for all other channels
rem goto generic
rem :channel79
rem comskip --ini=channel79.ini %1
rem goto continue
echo %date%,%time% - invoking comskip on %1 >>processing.log
comskip %1
echo %date%,%time% - comskip finished with %1 >>processing.log