2016-01-18, 03:19 AM
It's a ‘Sharp’ Sky Quad LNB – 10750 L.O.
But, it can only see one sat' at a time. ref http://www.legiontv.co.nz/downloads/Quad-LNB.jpg
Where it says "Sky has released the Quad LNB pictured above which is pretty much identical to their Dual LNB, but with four cable outlets in the LNB itself, and slightly longer in the body. This is now the standard Sky LNB for all new installs, and older ones will be progressively replaced with these. Plastic caps cover the extra 3 cable outlets in the picture. It has a built in multi-switch with four outlets allowing the MySky HD decoders plus additional decoders to access either satellite simultaneously, unlike their Dual LNB which can only ‘see’ one satellite at a time. The naming they are using is a little confusing, the Dual LNB has dual throats to look at two satellites, but a single cable outlet. The Quad LNB still has dual throats, but is equipped with quad outputs."
But, it can only see one sat' at a time. ref http://www.legiontv.co.nz/downloads/Quad-LNB.jpg
Where it says "Sky has released the Quad LNB pictured above which is pretty much identical to their Dual LNB, but with four cable outlets in the LNB itself, and slightly longer in the body. This is now the standard Sky LNB for all new installs, and older ones will be progressively replaced with these. Plastic caps cover the extra 3 cable outlets in the picture. It has a built in multi-switch with four outlets allowing the MySky HD decoders plus additional decoders to access either satellite simultaneously, unlike their Dual LNB which can only ‘see’ one satellite at a time. The naming they are using is a little confusing, the Dual LNB has dual throats to look at two satellites, but a single cable outlet. The Quad LNB still has dual throats, but is equipped with quad outputs."