2011-09-03, 11:17 AM
Last night I got a 0kB recording [The Rob Brydon Show BBC2 UK].
I note from the NRecord.log [attached]
2011-09-02 21:59:02.053 [DEBUG][7] Calling LockChannel()
2011-09-02 21:59:02.056 [DEBUG][7] locked=0, present=0, strength=80, quality=0 (took 0ms to check)
2011-09-02 21:59:02.056 [DEBUG][7] DigitalRecorderDVBT::Tune@8
2011-09-02 21:59:02.058 [INFO][7] DigitalRecorder.StartStream() allocated handle: 0x2
2011-09-02 21:59:02.059 [DEBUG][7] Temp at 02/09/2011 21:59:12
2011-09-02 21:59:02.060 [DEBUG][7] Started recording (12934:E:\Recorded TV\The Rob Brydon Show\The Rob Brydon Show_20110902_22002230.ts)
I don't know why the tuner didn't lock [may be my custom tuning freqs] but I am surprised that NPVR tried to record unlocked.
I note from the NRecord.log [attached]
2011-09-02 21:59:02.053 [DEBUG][7] Calling LockChannel()
2011-09-02 21:59:02.056 [DEBUG][7] locked=0, present=0, strength=80, quality=0 (took 0ms to check)
2011-09-02 21:59:02.056 [DEBUG][7] DigitalRecorderDVBT::Tune@8
2011-09-02 21:59:02.058 [INFO][7] DigitalRecorder.StartStream() allocated handle: 0x2
2011-09-02 21:59:02.059 [DEBUG][7] Temp at 02/09/2011 21:59:12
2011-09-02 21:59:02.060 [DEBUG][7] Started recording (12934:E:\Recorded TV\The Rob Brydon Show\The Rob Brydon Show_20110902_22002230.ts)
I don't know why the tuner didn't lock [may be my custom tuning freqs] but I am surprised that NPVR tried to record unlocked.