2012-01-18, 04:11 AM
Build 1.23 of NEWA has been released. You can download it directly here or on the wiki.
This is the build that is shipping with NPVR 2.36. You must be running NPVR 2.36 or higher to use this release.
Post any issues in the NEWA Support Forum.
Changes include the following. Screen shot provided below change list.
[TABLE="class: borders, width: 450"]
[TR="class: blackText, bgcolor: #ffccaa"]
[TD]Build Number:[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #ff99cc, colspan: 4"]Changes:[/TD]
[TR="class: smallBlackText"]
[TD="colspan: 4"]
[*]SchedulesDirect Utilities still provides enhanced info for Credits.
[*]Update the guideHeigth element in config-web.xml to the number of pixels. 0 = default which is 150.
[*]Update the lastGenreIsBest element in config-web.xml to True.
Guide showing new display values available to all NPVR users so long as there is the data in their EPG feed. User can override default height of the lines in the guide via a config setting.
![[Image: guideqf.png]](http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/3999/guideqf.png)
Manage recordings showing new accordion view of available recordings.
This is the build that is shipping with NPVR 2.36. You must be running NPVR 2.36 or higher to use this release.
Post any issues in the NEWA Support Forum.
Changes include the following. Screen shot provided below change list.
[TABLE="class: borders, width: 450"]
[TR="class: blackText, bgcolor: #ffccaa"]
[TD]Build Number:[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #ff99cc, colspan: 4"]Changes:[/TD]
[TR="class: smallBlackText"]
[TD="colspan: 4"]
- UncleJohnsBand: Web Service Updates:
- Added OriginalAirdate attribute to EPGEventObject
- Added FirstRun attribute to EPGEventObject
- Added OnlyNew attribute for recordings.
- Added Quality attribute to EPGEventObject.
- Added Star Rating attribute to EPGEventObject.
- Added Audio type attribute to EPGEventObject.
- Added Aspect attribute to EPGEventObject.
- Added OriginalAirdate attribute to EPGEventObject
- UncleJohnsBand: Application Updates:
- Added Pannel view of recordings in CSS based Manage Recordings (manage2.aspx).
- Added Pannel view of recordings in CSS based Manage Recordings (manage2.aspx).
- Panel grouping can be changed by clicking on the Heading items: Status, Air Date, Channel and Show
- Updated to pull original air date, first-run, star rating and HD-TV indicators for all users from NPVR. Original air date, first-run and HDTV information is now available to all NEWA users even if they do not use SchedulesDirect Utilities.
[*]SchedulesDirect Utilities still provides enhanced info for Credits.
- Added original air date, first run, star rating and HD-TV selectors to Config pages to allow turning on-off of the display of the elements.
- Updated NEWA Schedule interface to support First-Run recurring recordings.
- Updated to latest TaglibSharp library.
- Updated to latest ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib library (used for compressing downloads to zip file).
- Correct channel logo display issue.
- Added new setting to allow control of the height of the guide lines. Handy to increase or decrease the heigth to accomodate extra display items such as Rating and New indicator. CSS screens only.
[*]Update the guideHeigth element in config-web.xml to the number of pixels. 0 = default which is 150.
- Added new setting to allow the display for the last genre for an event to be the single best genre.
[*]Update the lastGenreIsBest element in config-web.xml to True.
Guide showing new display values available to all NPVR users so long as there is the data in their EPG feed. User can override default height of the lines in the guide via a config setting.
![[Image: guideqf.png]](http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/3999/guideqf.png)
Manage recordings showing new accordion view of available recordings.
![[Image: panelview.png]](http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/1499/panelview.png)
Intel Core i7 @ 4.00GHz Skylake 14nm
Windows 10 Pro x64
PVR Software: NPVR 5.1.1
SiliconDust HDHomeRun HDHR5-4US Connect Quatro 4 Channel Tuner
Roku Ultra
2 PCH A-100's
Windows 10 Pro x64
PVR Software: NPVR 5.1.1
SiliconDust HDHomeRun HDHR5-4US Connect Quatro 4 Channel Tuner
Roku Ultra
2 PCH A-100's