2018-02-21, 12:27 PM
This has been going on for awhile. At least for me anyways. If I watch Live TV on KODI with a weak tv signal it will either freeze or after awhile stop with an error "No Tuner Available" even if I have a Tuner available. If I switch to NPVR and watch the same weak station on Live TV, it shows, but of course with very bad reception or it will automatically close but it won't freeze or display the "No Tuner Available" error.
If I watch a recorded program that was recorded with a weak TV signal, it will start and than just close automatically when the recorded hits a no TV signal portion of the program or close if I try to advance it past the bad part of the recorded program.
Another problem while watching Recorded programs, if the signal was weak but good enough to watch normally, when I try to advance the Recorded video manually, it will automatically shut off and I need to restart the recorded program again. Sometimes a 30 minute Recording will show more than an hours worth of recording and as soon as I manually try to advance the video it automatically closes again. This normally happens when the TV signal becomes weak during the recording of the program.
Another problem when I try to manually advance the video (normally to skip past commercials) some recorded programs I need to shut down and restart at the point where I shut it down to manually again advance it to another point in the recording. Normally this happens when the progress bar on KODI goes from normal time usage (bar is halfway across during a 30 minute recorded program) to a bar that starts at the beginning. If you try to advance the video after this happens, it will shut down and you need to restart it again. Sometimes you might be able to restart and go beyond the last time it shut down and other times as soon as you advance the bar it shut down. I usually end up deleting the recordings if this happens.
I know it isn't NPVR that is causing the problem. This doesn't occur with NPVR. The recorded programs basically all start and are viewable no matter how bad the recording is and I am able to advance the video without it shutting down like KODI does.
KODI is a great program. But it does have issues with weak TV signals and recording.
I have an old but extremely good working Hauppauge two Tuner card with Windows 10 Pro (1709) with an Nvidia GTX 1070 card.
This is the post I made at KODI Forums. The answer I received, educated guess, was the PVR Plugin was having a difficult time with streaming in KODI.
If I watch a recorded program that was recorded with a weak TV signal, it will start and than just close automatically when the recorded hits a no TV signal portion of the program or close if I try to advance it past the bad part of the recorded program.
Another problem while watching Recorded programs, if the signal was weak but good enough to watch normally, when I try to advance the Recorded video manually, it will automatically shut off and I need to restart the recorded program again. Sometimes a 30 minute Recording will show more than an hours worth of recording and as soon as I manually try to advance the video it automatically closes again. This normally happens when the TV signal becomes weak during the recording of the program.
Another problem when I try to manually advance the video (normally to skip past commercials) some recorded programs I need to shut down and restart at the point where I shut it down to manually again advance it to another point in the recording. Normally this happens when the progress bar on KODI goes from normal time usage (bar is halfway across during a 30 minute recorded program) to a bar that starts at the beginning. If you try to advance the video after this happens, it will shut down and you need to restart it again. Sometimes you might be able to restart and go beyond the last time it shut down and other times as soon as you advance the bar it shut down. I usually end up deleting the recordings if this happens.
I know it isn't NPVR that is causing the problem. This doesn't occur with NPVR. The recorded programs basically all start and are viewable no matter how bad the recording is and I am able to advance the video without it shutting down like KODI does.
KODI is a great program. But it does have issues with weak TV signals and recording.
I have an old but extremely good working Hauppauge two Tuner card with Windows 10 Pro (1709) with an Nvidia GTX 1070 card.
This is the post I made at KODI Forums. The answer I received, educated guess, was the PVR Plugin was having a difficult time with streaming in KODI.