2023-03-06, 09:27 PM
I recently bought a HDHR Flex, hooked it up here and everything basically worked. I took the Flex to a different part of the state to see what came over the air there and had some problems. When I got back, I "cautiously" first connected by old HDHR Extend and everything worked. I disconnected the Extend and connected the Flex. I was a bit disturbed to see that the HDHR setup showed both controllers, although it did show the Extend as "not found." But the bottom line was good. On my Windows 11 PC, I could see and hear ATSC 1.0 channels using both HDHR Setup and their Windows HDHR client and plain VLC and see but not hear the ATSC 3.0 channels (as expected). However, when I tried to watch a ATSC 1.0 channel using NextPVR, my browser window said "Starting Device. Please Wait..." and after a pause "Streaming failed (transcoder exited)". What is going wrong? I've attached a screen shot of my devices and channels, and the NextPVR log files. My attempt to watch the ATSC 1.0 channel started a little after 15:02 local time. The IP addresses I noticed in the logs were .144 (the HDHR Flex), .145 (the Windows 11 PC on which NextPVR is running), and .148 (the HDHR Extend when it was attached to my LAN). Any thoughts or pointers would be greatly appreciated.