2010-04-21, 02:21 PM
SomeOne Wrote:Hi,
I did remove all shows from the database. The "TV Shows " option was removed. So I set again the content as TV show and XBMC rescanned the directory and still created duplicates.. Very strange. The directory contains only one nfo per recording. Any ideas ?
As Kram_0 said - its best to use the file mode not library mode. XBMC is very pretty but it is not very flexible. It wants all TV series its own set of directories in a very specific way and all movies in another set of directories in a very specific way. The XBMC structure is nothing like GBPVR's more flexible method. So my call was just to get the info into XBMC in the easiest way possible without re-arranging directories etc. to do that I create an NFO where basically every file has an nfo created that calls it an episode of an unknown show. In file mode the info shows up by right clicking and hitting episode info.
I hope some day XBMC gets a little more flexible and lets you specify in the NFO file what the parent series or movie and allows any directory structure. In the meantime when Ton gets time to add play from the menu in myGbpvr it may all be unnecessary since he grabs the show info there from the web service.