2012-03-14, 03:55 PM
Using them on vista with cyberlink pdvd11 codec pq is even better - even sd looks like hd! (on 50" lg plasma). I think the adaptive deinterlacing is better than before.
One word of warning - if you are installing the southbridge drivers at the same time, the SATA AHCI drivers are now installed by default. If like me you have the Raid AHCI driver installed (They were the only ones that worked 4 years ago) it will totally cripple the pc :eek: took me 45 mins to get into devise manager and revert back. Raid AHCI driver is still a separate download.
One word of warning - if you are installing the southbridge drivers at the same time, the SATA AHCI drivers are now installed by default. If like me you have the Raid AHCI driver installed (They were the only ones that worked 4 years ago) it will totally cripple the pc :eek: took me 45 mins to get into devise manager and revert back. Raid AHCI driver is still a separate download.
It's not an overly complicated system - it's more - overly simple operatives