2006-06-06, 07:28 PM
Caliban Wrote:Note to #3: I did not test other dvr's, but a quick browse among various forums did not show a significant trend. But even if they all have the same problem (and hide it well), fact remains that the happauge software itself does not suffer from this problem, so hardware and drivers are fine.
I have tried many times with both myth and gbpvr, different m/boards cases etc, even with a desk fan pointed at the damn thing... If hauppauge have "locked" the card to their software they should state this on their specs.
Caliban Wrote:So, this proves to me that it is not a hardware problem. And since the same driver is being used by other software (if nothing else, hauppauge software itself), that excludes the driver as well. So only option remaining is the application. I do understand it's a closed driver, and no support, etc, etc, etc, but the fact remains that other software is using it without problems, and the hardware runs fine on Linux.
I understand sub has signed non disclosure agreements to give him access to this kind of stuff
Caliban Wrote:So please stop trying to hide your capability to get something to work properly by blaming drivers or hardware. It is neither of these! Just tell it the way it is: You can't get it to work. That's not a bad thing, that happens to the best of us. What is bad however, is blaming something beyond your power while knowing that's not the problem.
I beleive sub (who obviously knows his stuff), myself (who is an experienced computer user) and many others on these and other forums (including the guys over at shspvr who have even rewritten the drivers) have failed to get this working reliably - Sub dropped support after spending over a year working on it... Along these lines the end user of such a product cannot be expected to trawl for reliable drivers/fixes that may or may not work when they have made a substantial outlay on a card
I accept some people have had no problems at all, but I think it takes the p*ss that a company should release a product that doesn't work as described when you comply to their requirements.
I think the fact the new generation of hauppauge cards have no offering of tv out speaks volumes!
Just my 2p...