ok, I exit xbmc, delete plugin files, restart xbmc, it complain of no pvr backend enabled. Install the newly compiled plugin zip timed 20:56, log still gets flooded.
I will do a fresh download from git, replace the files and do the above again.
1. delete git download
2. download fresh files from git
3. unzip into new folder
4. copy from new folder into /xbmc-pvr-addons/addons/pvr.nextpvr/src
5. compile
6. exit xbmc
7. delete plugin from .xbmc/addon folder
8. start xbmc it complain about missing backend
9. shows me option of backends, nextpvr is not there
10. install plugin from zip (tim 21.18)
11. addon starts updating database
21:21:48 T:3000261488 ERROR: AddOnLog: NextPVR PVR Client: Socket::receive: (errno=11) EAGAIN: The socket is marked non-blocking and the requested operation would block
21:21:48 T:3000261488 ERROR: Previous line repeats 84303 times.
KRA Wrote:1. delete git download
2. download fresh files from git
3. unzip into new folder
4. copy from new folder into /xbmc-pvr-addons/addons/pvr.nextpvr/src
5. compile
6. exit xbmc
7. delete plugin from .xbmc/addon folder
8. start xbmc it complain about missing backend
9. shows me option of backends, nextpvr is not there
10. install plugin from zip (tim 21.18)
11. addon starts updating database
21:21:48 T:3000261488 ERROR: AddOnLog: NextPVR PVR Client: Socket::receive: (errno=11) EAGAIN: The socket is marked non-blocking and the requested operation would block
21:21:48 T:3000261488 ERROR: Previous line repeats 84303 times.
start live-tv log goes bananas.
Am I missing something ?
did you try a "make clean" followed by "make install"?
KRA Wrote:ok, if you update git live, you don't have to supply zip files, I can just get it from there, more easy
Yep, but I only commit stuff to git that I'm sure about. Sometime I just have to get someone to try something to see if it helps their specific problem, and in those case I'll probably just post source files for them to manually try.
KRA Wrote:no I allways do "make zip" but I did it from a "clean" set of files, ie deleted the old ones and downloaded new.
Did you delete the entire tree though? Otherwise you may have objects files still there from previous builds, even if you have updated the source files. I'd try a 'make clean' to be sure.