2014-10-07, 12:14 AM
bgowland Wrote:Hi Steeb,
The term quadriplegic refers to a condition where all limbs are affected but doesn't mean all limbs are totally disabled.
He has (limited) control over both his arms and the fingers on one hand and has a "standard issue" touch screen device provided by the health service which he can use as a "talker" as he has no speech.
The original idea which was put to me was to store his favourite movies directly onto an Android device but then I explained even a tablet with a large amount of storage wouldn't hold many. I'd need to write some sort of app with a "chunky" interface anyway in order to cope with slight lack of coordination. At that point I figured we could go one better and give him a full screen entertainment system through his TV.
Thanks Brian, do understand quadriplegic and my bad for not asking what use of arms was had. As ever as much control/independence must be given to him at this point. When you say limited budget what are we talking? £50 £100 £200