2015-04-02, 05:13 PM
HarryH3 Wrote:Snag, the problem isn't with NPVR, it's with SiliconDust.
Sub stated above:
"The SiliconDust API we talk to isn't capable of delivering multiple cablecard channels on the same frequency. "
Harry: The Prime doesn't allow recording multiple channels (even if they are on the same frequency) like QAM/ATSC does. However, the multi-record functionality that we are talking about here for the Prime is for back-to-back recordings of the SAME channel. (So that each recording gets its pre- and post-padding.)
In the last released version, sub added support for this form of multi-record for analog/HDPVR/HDPVR2/Colossus/IPTV devices. But the Prime functionality didn't make it in (or at least didn't work since he didn't have a device to test with). We're wondering if he's been able to add that functionality for the next release.
P.S. sub: If you need access to a device for testing, I could get you access to one of my Primes.