sub Wrote:In the Settings->Device screen, when you double click on the device, is "CI / CAM" still set to 'None'?
No - it was set to common interface ? - I do have a CAM inserted in the tunercard to decrypt the enctrypted channels.. Is this not the correct setting ? - I tried changing it to none now, and that seems to do a difference. Now I dont get the error message about the tuner being required for a recording, but just get a black screen instead.
Clic1109 Wrote:No - it was set to common interface ? - I do have a CAM inserted in the tunercard to decrypt the enctrypted channels.. Is this not the correct setting ? - I tried changing it to none now, and that seems to do a difference. Now I dont get the error message about the tuner being required for a recording, but just get a black screen instead.
Settings --> Decoders --> Mpeg2,H264 video
(1) List all decoders you have here
(2) Your current option decoder
Clic1109 Wrote:No - it was set to common interface ? - I do have a CAM inserted in the tunercard to decrypt the enctrypted channels.. Is this not the correct setting ? - I tried changing it to none now, and that seems to do a difference. Now I dont get the error message about the tuner being required for a recording, but just get a black screen instead.
I suspect it's related to this. Try setting it back to 'none' and watching an unencrypted channel.