if i start x-newa click on the left to bring the side menu up then go to recordings, its just the 2 mentioned folders of recordings i cant get to just tried on 2.5.3~b1
gromgsxr Wrote:if i start x-newa click on the left to bring the side menu up then go to recordings, its just the 2 mentioned folders of recordings i cant get to just tried on 2.5.3~b1
If you could make your npvr.db3 on the cloud I will have a look. I am not sure why the error isn't being logged in Kodi.
gromgsxr Wrote:that should be the db3 file, thanks for looking in to this for me.
Thanks Oddly you have two recordings in your database where milliseconds where stored in the end time field and x-newa is not handling that. I've fixed it for the next release probably later today.