2020-02-23, 10:13 PM
Hi sub, Here is the latest log file.
2020-02-23, 10:58 PM
(2020-02-23, 10:09 PM)glb1945 Wrote: I found the problem with the tuners disappearing. I had to logout and then log back in as admin:password.What do you mean by them disappearing? If you go to the Settings->Devices screen, can you see them listed? If you press Ctrl-F5, does it show the device (or possibly the login screen)?
2020-02-23, 11:00 PM
2020-02-24, 12:42 AM
Hi sub,
Will do that tomorrow morning. Have to let wife use TV tonight. :-) Jerry
2020-02-24, 08:00 PM
Hi sub
There was nothing in settings channels. It said to go to devices ans set up channels. I tried to do that without success even though my SD file was correctly shown. Here is the log file. Let me know what to try next. Jerry
2020-02-24, 08:13 PM
(2020-02-24, 08:00 PM)glb1945 Wrote: There was nothing in settings channels. It said to go to devices ans set up channels.Honestly, I'm a bit confused with your description so far. Schedules Direct is only for tv listings, it doesn't provide you tv channels. Are you saying you've got no channels listed on the Settings->Channels screen? If so, it sounds like you haven't scanned your channels on the Settings->Devices screen. What type of device are you trying to get your channels from? Let me know any I'll give you a brief overview of how you'd typically setup channels of that type, and how you'd map them to Schedules Direct listings.
2020-02-24, 08:47 PM
Hi sub,
Yes there were no channels listed on the Settings->Channels screen. It said to go to the Settings->Devices screen and set up the channels just as you say. There when I try to scan for channels on one of my two displayed Hauppauge 2650 tuners (shown as HDHomeRun tuners as they are essentially the same), one of the choices is my SD channel selection files ( USA ....). I choose that selection and hit scan but nothing happens? I have set up NextPVR on Windows 10 so I am familiar with that process, but I know this is different so I might be doing something stupid? Let me know what to try next. Jerry
2020-02-24, 08:50 PM
If you open this url in your browser, do you see the list of channels you 2650 has available?
2020-02-24, 09:02 PM
Hi sub,
Nothing shows in that url? There are 3 choices when I try to scan in one of the tuners. One is the file selection from my SD selection and one to add from comcast in Boulder. The latter ends up with an error message saying undefined (someone has mentioned this error in a different post). Jerry
2020-02-24, 09:12 PM
With an HDHR style device (like the DCR2650), it effectively asks the device for the list of channels. It sounds like yours isn't returning any channels.
I'd open in your browser, and use it to do a scan in there. There is an option for it in the device's web page. Let it complete, then check again to see if it gets the list of channels. Once that is working, try again in NextPVR. |