(2020-12-19, 04:17 PM)pkscout Wrote: I'm using a Docker image built from sub's Docker image (I add Python to it), and mine is working fine with the current version. I can't imagine how or why mine would be OK and not the stock image, but you're welcome to try it:
I just gave this a shot, but it didn't work either. A difference with your version is that the startup command is "/bin/sh -c /usr/sbin/startup.sh", whereas sub's version uses "dotnet /app/NextPVRServer.dll". However, it turns out that these new images aren't providing /bin either, so executing /bin/sh with this (pkscout1) version also fails.
Trying similar "docker cp" commands to what I mentioned previously...first, my old, working NextPVR container from a couple of months ago:
> docker cp nextpvr-nextpvr_amd641:/bin bin.641
> ls test641
bash chgrp fgrep more sh.distrib ypdomainname
bin chmod findmnt mount sleep zcat
bunzip2 chown grep mountpoint stty zcmp
bzcat cp gunzip mv su zdiff
bzcmp dash gzexe nisdomainname sync zegrep
bzdiff date gzip pidof tar zfgrep
bzegrep dd hostname ps tempfile zforce
bzexe df kill pwd touch zgrep
bzfgrep dir ln rbash true zless
bzgrep dmesg login readlink umount zmore
bzip2 dnsdomainname ls rm uname znew
bzip2recover domainname lsblk rmdir uncompress
bzless echo mkdir run-parts vdir
bzmore egrep mknod sed wdctl
cat false mktemp sh which
So that looks pretty normal; among other things, "sh" is there. But this fails for the two new versions, because /bin doesn't exist:
> docker cp nextpvr-nextpvr_amd642:/bin bin.642
Error: No such container:path: nextpvr-nextpvr_amd642:/bin
> docker cp pkscout1-nextpvr-python31:/bin bin.pks
Error: No such container:path: pkscout1-nextpvr-python31:/bin
So trying to execute /bin/sh in these new containers isn't going to succeed.
And here's what I get for /usr - first, the old container, then the two new ones:
> docker cp nextpvr-nextpvr_amd641:/usr usr641
> ls usr641
bin games include lib local sbin share src
> docker cp nextpvr-nextpvr_amd642:/usr usr642
> ls usr642
lib share
> docker cp pkscout1-nextpvr-python31:/usr usr-pk
> ls usr-pk
bin include lib local sbin share
> ls -d usr641/share/dotnet
> ls -d usr642/share/dotnet
ls: cannot access usr642/share/dotnet: No such file or directory
> ls -d usr-pk/share/dotnet
ls: cannot access usr-pk/share/dotnet: No such file or directory
So again, there's more stuff in the old container, and there's no /usr/share/dotnet in either of the two new ones.
It seems like there's some critical core system stuff that's assumed to exist (and had been bundled in the old container), but isn't present in these new containers.