2008-08-29, 04:11 AM
AmericanSlon Wrote:Wow...what do you know that fixed itCool, I know exactly what the problem is and how to fix it then. It was trying to read GBPVR's window position settings but apparently they don't get written to the registry until you go to windowed mode at least once. I'll update the plugin to gracefully handle when they don't exist.Thank you!
AmericanSlon Wrote:Just one more question and one more suggestion. Question: you said it was possible to control how your plugin is named in main menu. How would I do that?Edit GBPVR's config.xml (with notepad, don't use wordpad). Find "<NetflixPlugin>". Below it, add a tag for "<WatchNowName>" with whatever name you want:
<WatchNowName>My Watch Now</WatchNowName>
AmericanSlon Wrote:Suggestion: if you watch live tv and then all of the sudden decide to watch a netflix movie it'd be cool if plugin would know to terminate live tv. Right now you get netflix video and both netflix and live tv aduio. I am guessing that is since netflix plugin uses it's own media player to play movies.I haven't seen this. I'll add code to shut down the Live TV if it is in use.
Thank you, awesome job!