2020-10-24, 09:06 PM
That's better thanks. Do you only want the TV Mosaic ts files or every mp4 and mpg I can parse? I assume you watch those via the libraries.
2020-10-24, 09:06 PM
That's better thanks. Do you only want the TV Mosaic ts files or every mp4 and mpg I can parse? I assume you watch those via the libraries.
2020-10-24, 09:19 PM
Yes, only the recordings files from TVMosaic would be very well!!
2020-10-24, 09:40 PM
(This post was last modified: 2020-10-24, 10:50 PM by mvallevand.)
Ok what are these episodes with no season?
E115-Bayern erleben-Neuschwanstein - vom Mythos zur Marke-2100-20190902.ts I am going to assume the season is the year which seems to be common in German listings. Martin
2020-10-25, 05:47 AM
I have seen this, too. But your assumption souds good.
E115-Bayern erleben-Neuschwanstein - vom Mythos zur Marke-2100-20190902.ts ??? -Titel -duration-date.ts It could also be a change in the naming by TVMosiaic. It changed sometime in 2019, so that your file can also contain old names. Ralf Win 10 Server (AMD), NextPVR v5, 250GB System SSD + 4x4TB HDs via USB 3 2 Rasp Pi 3 Kodi clients 2 Win 10 Kodi clint 1 Win 7 clint
2020-10-25, 02:08 PM
Ok thanks. I got sidetracked with other things yesterday and will get back to it today. Since your data didn't have the end time, I will probably need to read each file to get the duration. It will be a slower import but Kodi will work better.
I noticed one of your folders may have been inadvertently dragged under another J:\Videos 1\X-Men Zukunft ist Vergangenheit (2014)\The Untouchables – Die Unbestechlichen (1987)\Die Unbestechlichen-2335-20171122_edit.ts You may want to adjust that before the scan. Martin
2020-10-25, 04:12 PM
Oh yes, but you dont need to scan that HD or directory. The disk is corrupt. I alredy stored everything in an other disk and I will fix it later. This happened sometimes.
Important is only F:\KodiRecord. Thanks Ralf Win 10 Server (AMD), NextPVR v5, 250GB System SSD + 4x4TB HDs via USB 3 2 Rasp Pi 3 Kodi clients 2 Win 10 Kodi clint 1 Win 7 clint
2020-10-25, 08:31 PM
OK try this after stopping the NextPVR service and backing up your database npvr.db3
1. Unzip to NextPVR program folder 2. Backup the databaase if you haven't done it yet. 3. From the command prompt change to the NextPVR program folder 4. Run the following command NextImport foldername 5. Restart the server and test in web and Kodi. If you omit the folder name it will get all TV Mosaic files on you machine You can rerun it and it shouldn't read the folder. This creates files with a TVMosaic channel name. You can create a channel icon if you'd really like. This won't be the command line in NextImport if I ever make a full release it does a lot of things for importing. Martin
2020-10-30, 06:07 PM
Hello Martin,
to bussi to test your script, sorry. I will do it tomorrow, and let you know what happens.. Ralf Win 10 Server (AMD), NextPVR v5, 250GB System SSD + 4x4TB HDs via USB 3 2 Rasp Pi 3 Kodi clients 2 Win 10 Kodi clint 1 Win 7 clint
2020-10-31, 03:45 PM
Hi Martin,
I got an error message from the script. Do you know which folder it is looking for and not found? The NPVR-data fie is empty. C:\Program Files\NextPVR>Nextimport -G:\KodiRecordsKopie NEXTPVR_INSTALLDIR C:\Program Files\NextPVR\ NEXTPVR_DATADIR C:\Program Files\NextPVR\data\ NEXTPVR_DATADIR_USERDATA C:\Users\Public\NPVR-data\ Folder not found Ralf Win 10 Server (AMD), NextPVR v5, 250GB System SSD + 4x4TB HDs via USB 3 2 Rasp Pi 3 Kodi clients 2 Win 10 Kodi clint 1 Win 7 clint |