Another question is, do .ts recordings made by NextPVR (without being converted to .mp4) have the correct volume? (with or without the volume settings mentioned earlier)
Nextpvr is 32bit wouldnt he need to compare and use all 32bit decoders and filter checker to mimic and find out what nextpvr is using?
Nextpvr only directs windows to the file to be played if its a none .ts file
so nextpvr has nothing to do with what happens after you press play
The merrit of the direct show filters(codecs) is important
But you still need to work out what combination is actually been used when you press play within nextpvr so then you can tweak that codec
If you are actually using lav it should pop up with a icon by your clock (window play back not full screen)
Yep, true - ideally he should test with the 32 bit version of GraphStudioNext. The decoders will probably behave the same with respect to audio levels in 32bit vs 64bit, but better to safe than sorry.
I tried the 32bit version of GSN on the MediaCentrePC and it reports the same as the 64 bit version in the computer room, LAV everywhere.
GSN plays at a higher level than NextPVR (.ts and .mp4)
The recorded .ts file plays in NextPVR with a normal volume, the edited and converted to .mp4 plays a little softer :confused:
I will try Handbrake later, as I can apply 6dB gain as in FFmpeg.
FFmpeg reported [Parsed_volumedetect_0 @ 000001553e548300] max_volume: -6.0 dB so I converted it with a 6dB boost ....
"-acodec libfdk_aac -ab 256k -ar 48000 -ac 2 -filter:a volume=6.0dB -isync"
As for the icon in the taskbar, none here. I will have to find the switch and turn it on.
Once again Thanks for your help
Regards, Mark
(Remember not to forget that which you don' t need to know.)
puck64 Wrote:GSN plays at a higher level than NextPVR (.ts and .mp4)
I can't think of reason why that would be. When it comes to .mp4 files, it's just asking windows to play it - and it decides the decoders and the volume etc. NextPVR isn't playing any active role in playback of this file type.
Quote:The recorded .ts file plays in NextPVR with a normal volume, the edited and converted to .mp4 plays a little softer :confused:
As mentioned, the next release will support those volume settings for mp4 files, so maybe that'll end up helping you.