OK, here's the way I figure I need to do it.
This is postprocessing.bat:
As I understand it, comskip will create a .txt file (with the OLD filename), then RenameRecording will rename the files, then "convert2wme.bat" will run on the renamed files, and generate the .wme containing the correct filenames.
Would I not need to use the CALL command for convert2wme, because it's calling a .bat file from within a .bat file?
If this works, you're my hero of the year (so far)...or maybe second only to Sub
This is postprocessing.bat:
Quote:Comskip.exe %1 > comskip.logBecause the ROOT folder is simply my D:\ drive, and all videos are in named subfolders, I changed it a bit (see above in bold if I did it right).
RenameRecording.exe %1 > renamerecording.log
rem The next For command will recursively walk all subdirectories below c:\root_of_video and execute the :menc for all .txt files present.
rem Kind of brute force approach, who cares....
for /R d:\ %%f (*.txt) do call :menc "%%f"
goto :eof
rem Don't do anything if the .wme is already present.
if EXIST "%~dpn1.wme" goto :eof
Rem this is your old postprocessing.bat without the comskip or the renamerecording
convert2wme "%~dpn1.txt"
As I understand it, comskip will create a .txt file (with the OLD filename), then RenameRecording will rename the files, then "convert2wme.bat" will run on the renamed files, and generate the .wme containing the correct filenames.
Would I not need to use the CALL command for convert2wme, because it's calling a .bat file from within a .bat file?
If this works, you're my hero of the year (so far)...or maybe second only to Sub
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Pentium Quad / 4Gb Dual Channel RAM / XPSP3 / 2 x PVR-500, PVR-250 / GB-PVR