coool, that would be great...i think writing it from scratch would work best, and i think the c# lib dshowlib has all the functions we need from what i've seen..[i think it can be used within vc++ too]
so yea, i'd love to look at the code, and add on to that...
if you want to use the sgr prog, telnet to it [telnet localhost 6969] and issue commands like:
"START |26||e:\test.mpg|" will start recording ch 26 to that file...
"STOP" stops all activity, "SWITCH" starts the recording over,like a changed channel..i still don't have the details for the sage commands, and the channels can't be changed within the plugin it seems unless using a external exe or not usable for tuning..
oh and it shuts down if no comm every 15 mins,so you have to deriodically send a "NOOP" to keep it alive or it stops recording..
so you see it's got a few things in there that we don't need, and missing a few we i'd rather help work on the code you've got and add just what is needed...would be more efficient anyways..
best results would be to figure out how to insert code to use graph into the wdm recorder plugin as an option, as it is already fully integrated with this would be a great step towards that...
no need for external tuner changers as gbpvr handles that already for us..
but do need internal changer, as loading a graph with a tuner needs to be tuned...
almost there..
so yea, i'd love to look at the code, and add on to that...
if you want to use the sgr prog, telnet to it [telnet localhost 6969] and issue commands like:
"START |26||e:\test.mpg|" will start recording ch 26 to that file...
"STOP" stops all activity, "SWITCH" starts the recording over,like a changed channel..i still don't have the details for the sage commands, and the channels can't be changed within the plugin it seems unless using a external exe or not usable for tuning..
oh and it shuts down if no comm every 15 mins,so you have to deriodically send a "NOOP" to keep it alive or it stops recording..
so you see it's got a few things in there that we don't need, and missing a few we i'd rather help work on the code you've got and add just what is needed...would be more efficient anyways..
best results would be to figure out how to insert code to use graph into the wdm recorder plugin as an option, as it is already fully integrated with this would be a great step towards that...
no need for external tuner changers as gbpvr handles that already for us..
but do need internal changer, as loading a graph with a tuner needs to be tuned...
almost there..
Hardware: HDHR Prime, HDPVR 1212, Raspberry pi2, VFD display w/LCDSmartie