2018-04-02, 05:44 PM
dinsal Wrote:Hi,With that build, and hls streams, you can set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\NPVR\LogM3U8=1 (DWORD), then try watching a stream. You'd need to supply the normal NextPVR logs, and the c:\temp\segments.txt.
Added the new dll and this is the netpush log.
Error seems to be "FillBuffer taking too long...", starts to happen after about 15 seconds in this log file. My first try today was ok for almost 50 seconds so its seems very random but generally happens before 20 seconds
Thanks for you help
This segments.txt contains urls that could show iptv provider urls, so it's important this file isn't posted publicly. Probably best to zip up all those files, and PM me where to get it.
It's also really important to set these special LogXxxxx registry settings back to zero, or delete the registry setting after you've finished a run to capture logs, because they create huge files, and can cause issue on second attempts etc if left on.