sub Wrote:Sorry that was the wrong url. The url Martin typed was correct:
Does that file exist?
Nope and no NPVR-data folder unless it refer to NPVR\data
sub Wrote:Sorry that was the wrong url. The url Martin typed was correct: Nope and no NPVR-data folder unless it refer to NPVR\data
2019-06-19, 12:23 AM
mvallevand Wrote:Ok I wanted to be sure. Note your second log url was ok but it is channel=8.2 not channel_id=8.2 as you just posted. OPS I trying diff option forgot paste the right one LOL
2019-06-19, 12:27 AM
"channel" is when you know the human readable channel number, like channel=8.2
"channel_id" is typically only used by applications, which typically know it's underlying channel identifier. For example, channel 8.2 might have an id if 7183, so an app might used channel_id=7183
2019-06-19, 12:28 AM
NextPVR does the standard Linux thing of creating a hidden data directory in the users home directory. (hidden as in starts with a ".")
If you do a "ls -al" in a command prompt, you should see the .NPVR-data directory.
2019-06-19, 12:29 AM
I think I know what happened.
2019-06-19, 12:30 AM
I'm assuming you scanned on the Settings->Devices screen to setup the first device, clicked on the second one, and it gave you the offer to copy the channels, which you accepted. It copied the channel setup in the NextPVR database, which was the right thing to do, but it forgot on Linux it also needs to copy a file in your .NPVR-data directory.
2019-06-19, 12:31 AM
For now, for a test, you could try going to the Settings->Channels screen. Hit the trash can icon to delete all the channels. Head to the Devices page, scan one device. Leave the second tuner for now. See if you can then watch that stream in VLC with
2019-06-19, 12:32 AM
I'll take a look at the device copy logic, to ensure it copies this extra Linux tuning file.
2019-06-19, 12:37 AM
sub Wrote:I'm assuming you scanned on the Settings->Devices screen to setup the first device, clicked on the second one, and it gave you the offer to copy the channels, which you accepted. It copied the channel setup in the NextPVR database, which was the right thing to do, but it forgot on Linux it also needs to copy a file in your .NPVR-data directory.Awww yes that right that exactly what I did
2019-06-19, 12:38 AM
You did the right thing, but there is a bug where it's not copying that extra Linux tuning file. I'm looking at it now.