Hi all - New user here.
I've got NextPVR set up and running on my Ubuntu 24.04/Firefox system but I'm having an issue with the duration displayed on the timeline during playback (see attached image).
The left edge starts our showing 00:00:00 as it should and if you hit play it starts counting up the seconds as it should.
The problem occurs if you hit the skip forward button. It seems to skip forward 30 seconds but the timeline shows it skipping forward 2 minutes. If I click the timeline to move forward to near the end of the recording it shows approximately twice as many minutes as it should.
For example the image below shows a recording of 03:33:00 on the right side of the timeline, which is correct, but an elapsed time on the left side as 06:55:01 wich is basically double what it should be.
Any clues! Is there a setting somewhere I need to change?
Thanks for any assistance!
I've got NextPVR set up and running on my Ubuntu 24.04/Firefox system but I'm having an issue with the duration displayed on the timeline during playback (see attached image).
The left edge starts our showing 00:00:00 as it should and if you hit play it starts counting up the seconds as it should.
The problem occurs if you hit the skip forward button. It seems to skip forward 30 seconds but the timeline shows it skipping forward 2 minutes. If I click the timeline to move forward to near the end of the recording it shows approximately twice as many minutes as it should.
For example the image below shows a recording of 03:33:00 on the right side of the timeline, which is correct, but an elapsed time on the left side as 06:55:01 wich is basically double what it should be.
Any clues! Is there a setting somewhere I need to change?
Thanks for any assistance!