2013-09-23, 03:55 PM
johnsonx42 Wrote:Can you enhance the rename functionality so that it updates the filename in the PLAYBACK_POSITION table too?
I've thought about it but your use case is tough because iGL will fail if the file is in use. Since iGL renaming is more for archival and later viewing outside NextPVR (the Recordings view is not filename aware). I doubt many people watch 15 minutes, and then want to start from the resume point after it moved from recent recordings. More likely this is for external viewing in Plex and XBMC and they don't use the resume point anyway.
I think a better thing to do after the Recordings View is season/episode aware and sortable is for me to update the season/episode fields in the recordings database since this is not locked during playback. I'd love a season view in Recordings.