Hi All, I've successfully "integrated" foobar CD playing into GBPVR.
I install Foobar2000 and install the foo_osd plugin. Change the shortcut keys for foobar to be the same as GBPVR and set it to global settings. This way, foobar intercepts all the relevant commands. I also tell it to limit the speed of the ROM.
I have play, ff, rw, next, previous, pause, random (ctrl G), normal play (ctrl R) set up. Now I can actually fast forward through a song.
I have a simple OSD that shows track name and elapsed time near the bottom of the screen. I have it always one, but you can have it disappear after few seconds as well.
I launch foobar with the following script which checks for a valid CD and then brings GBPVR back into focus.
dim FSO: set FSO = wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
dim CDDrive, qu, cdplayerexe
Dim Files, File, WshShell
CDDrive = "H:\"
cdplayerexe = "C:\Progra~1\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe"
'---------done set these variables------------------
'--------Check for a CD-------------
if NOT fso.fileExists(CDDrive+"track01.cda") then
qu = msgbox ("Please insert a disk into the top drive",0)
End if
if NOT fso.fileExists(cdplayerexe) then
wScript.echo cdplayerexe, " Does not exist"
End if
cdplayerexe=cdplayerexe+ " "+cddrive
'--------------Start Extraction-----------------------
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
I install Foobar2000 and install the foo_osd plugin. Change the shortcut keys for foobar to be the same as GBPVR and set it to global settings. This way, foobar intercepts all the relevant commands. I also tell it to limit the speed of the ROM.
I have play, ff, rw, next, previous, pause, random (ctrl G), normal play (ctrl R) set up. Now I can actually fast forward through a song.
I have a simple OSD that shows track name and elapsed time near the bottom of the screen. I have it always one, but you can have it disappear after few seconds as well.
I launch foobar with the following script which checks for a valid CD and then brings GBPVR back into focus.
dim FSO: set FSO = wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
dim CDDrive, qu, cdplayerexe
Dim Files, File, WshShell
CDDrive = "H:\"
cdplayerexe = "C:\Progra~1\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe"
'---------done set these variables------------------
'--------Check for a CD-------------
if NOT fso.fileExists(CDDrive+"track01.cda") then
qu = msgbox ("Please insert a disk into the top drive",0)
End if
if NOT fso.fileExists(cdplayerexe) then
wScript.echo cdplayerexe, " Does not exist"
End if
cdplayerexe=cdplayerexe+ " "+cddrive
'--------------Start Extraction-----------------------
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
E6400, 2 GB RAM ,500 GB + 250 GB HD, PVR150+ Adaptec 3610, RW 2 + HIP, Antec 2480 w/ mini ninja ...still using v 0.99