2006-10-02, 12:43 AM
Has anyone had an issue with this deleting the actual recording? I am not sure if it is just me or not but about 75% of the time using this batch file my recordings will magically disappear. This is what my postprocessing.bat looks like. Of course I can not find anything in any of the logs. I know the program records, as I can see the comskip .txt files in my original tv show directory.
Any ideas?
Any ideas?
Quote:REM If you use Showanalyzer, unREM the next line
REM "C:\Program Files\Dragon Global\ShowAnalyzer\ShowAnalyzer.exe" %1
REM If you use comskip, unREM the next line
"E:\devnz\gbpvr\comskip.exe" %1
cscript //nologo "C:\Program Files\VideoReDoPlus\vp.vbs" "%~dpn1.VPrj" "%~dpn1_Cleaned.mpg" /t1 /q
Rem RENAME the old .mpg file and rename the new one to the old name
move "%~dpn1.mpg" "%~dpn1_original.mpg"
move "%~dpn1_cleaned.mpg" "%~dpn1.mpg"
REM The following lines cleanup the directory.
move "%~dpn1_original.mpg" "C:\Original TV Shows\"
move "%~dpn1.txt" "C:\Original TV Shows\"
move "%~dpn1.log" "C:\Original TV Shows\"
move "%~dpn1.VPrj" "C:\Original TV Shows\"
move "%~dpn1.logo.txt" "C:\Original TV Shows\"
rectracker %1 > rectracker.log
REM RenameRecordings %1 > renamerecordings.log