2006-11-30, 03:32 PM
ok so I have seen enough of the what does "GB" stand for questions... but it got me to thinking, there are a bunch of random and weird avatars on this (and every other) forum, mine included. I am wondering what they mean or more importantly WHY you chose it. (by avatar I mean your handle, or whatever you refer to the name you go by on the forum as)
I will start,
Ted the Penguin
Ted is a character in Ctrl+Alt+Del, a webcomic that I have read for a long time. I started reading it about the time I started getting into online gaming, or more specifically CS/DoD. you know, games where you need an avatar so people know who killed them. anyways, I forget some of the thought process I went through to decide on Ted the Penguin, it involved ted being a somewhat random and humorous character in the comic, that he was generally hated by one of the main characters, and supposedly wanted to kill him... oh and there is a strip where he is the penguin from fight club
I started using it for that and decided I liked it, so it became my standard avatar for most everything online, do if you are somewhere and see someone posting with the avatar "Ted the Penguin" << perferred, or if their software sucks and doesnt allow that "TedThePenguin" or some such permutation, my xbox Live gamertag is "Ted teh Penguin" someone had already taken "the" although it could have been me
in a past forgotten registration. and in some online games I might appear as "-=CAD=- Ted the Penguin" or some permutation thereof: because I feel cooler when it looks like I am in a clan (or whatever) :p
I egarly await responses
I will start,
Ted the Penguin

Ted is a character in Ctrl+Alt+Del, a webcomic that I have read for a long time. I started reading it about the time I started getting into online gaming, or more specifically CS/DoD. you know, games where you need an avatar so people know who killed them. anyways, I forget some of the thought process I went through to decide on Ted the Penguin, it involved ted being a somewhat random and humorous character in the comic, that he was generally hated by one of the main characters, and supposedly wanted to kill him... oh and there is a strip where he is the penguin from fight club

I started using it for that and decided I liked it, so it became my standard avatar for most everything online, do if you are somewhere and see someone posting with the avatar "Ted the Penguin" << perferred, or if their software sucks and doesnt allow that "TedThePenguin" or some such permutation, my xbox Live gamertag is "Ted teh Penguin" someone had already taken "the" although it could have been me

I egarly await responses