2004-12-27, 02:36 PM
ive uploaded a new version to the wiki, it fixes a lot of bugs if you arent using mp3s. Â it now allows you to add a directory of nonmp3 files to a playlist (oops on my part here, it will test each file in the directory to see if it matches the extensions given in the config app). Â also if you arent using mp3s it will now show the filename when playing a music file instead of nothing.
build #1.0.1823.5980
found in same place. Â i made another thread since the ALPHA ALPHA and big arse warning might have scared a few people off.
- the ability to burn a playlist to Audio CD (hopefully not to far away, just have to hear back from someone).
- Get tag information for .wma/.ape files (just have to find some free dlls).
- loop a playlist (waiting on sub, i think i have a way to do this without sub, but it would be messy, well require more ram, not the ideal solution).
- add a menu bar so touchscreen users/mouse can click a play/next/previous/mute/stop/addtoplaylist button, also have to wait for sub on this (missing a few methods in gbpvr dlls
everything else is pretty much the same, this release should be stable and meet most peoples needs. Â if you wish to see a feature, or have any problems just say so.
if you find a bug, tell me (also try looking up the gbpvr.exe.log for the bug information, so i know what to fix. simply saying "it crashes" doesnt help a lot
build #1.0.1823.5980
found in same place. Â i made another thread since the ALPHA ALPHA and big arse warning might have scared a few people off.
- the ability to burn a playlist to Audio CD (hopefully not to far away, just have to hear back from someone).
- Get tag information for .wma/.ape files (just have to find some free dlls).
- loop a playlist (waiting on sub, i think i have a way to do this without sub, but it would be messy, well require more ram, not the ideal solution).
- add a menu bar so touchscreen users/mouse can click a play/next/previous/mute/stop/addtoplaylist button, also have to wait for sub on this (missing a few methods in gbpvr dlls

everything else is pretty much the same, this release should be stable and meet most peoples needs. Â if you wish to see a feature, or have any problems just say so.
if you find a bug, tell me (also try looking up the gbpvr.exe.log for the bug information, so i know what to fix. simply saying "it crashes" doesnt help a lot