2005-02-11, 04:24 AM
download: My Videos v2.0.4.9
- Uses database to stored movie information
- Adds recorded shows from gbpvr database to its own database
- Filenames arent absolute eg "D:\recordings\enterprise_20030102_12001000.mpg" is stored as "enterprise_20030102_12001000.mpg" so can be moved without lossing information.
- Season/Series - If you are have a folder structure like "Show\Season x\" it will recognise this and store the info for "Season x" under "Show\Season x" so no two shows will have the same info for each season. Â This also works with "Series". If you are using a language other than English, you can translate "Season" and "Series" in the language.xml file.
- "Scan" can scan every file, and most cases folder, for information from the internet (can cancel this at any time also).
- "IMDB" and "Amazon" Lookup - now returns multiple hits so you can choose which one you wish to use for the movie information.
- "Unseen" - it displays seen videos and unseen videos differently so if you forget which ones you have seen, it reminds you (this works throughout gbpvr, so if you play a video from "recordings" it gets marked seen in "my videos".
- "Episode Lookup" - this will lookup the episode information from tvtome, this requires the showname and episode name to work, so if you have a file called "Enterprise - 2x02 - Carbon Creek.avi" it will get the show name from the begining of the file to the first index of " - " and the episode name from the last index of " - " to the end of the filename, extensions are ignored. Â This works around 90-95% of the time, really handy if you download a lot of tv shows.
-"Episode Browse" - Enter the exact name of the show (case sensitive) the click "done" and it will try and find every episode for the entered show name (if the name is correct it will always succeed) then browse done until you find the correct show for that video file hit the ok button and it will download the information (it displays the season and episode number on the left in list view).
- "Remove From DB" - This will remove the selected entry from the database (handy if its the wrong info), access this via the popup menu (this will only appear in the menu if a entry exists).
- Fixed a bug with the master pin number where it was always "0000"
- Posters are also stored in the database, but if you wish to use your own poster art, it will search for the following filenames: For folders: Folder.jpg/Folder.png, for Videos:[filename].jpg/[filename].png/[moviename].jpg/[moviename].png (the movie name is the beginining part of the filename, eg "Enterprise - 2x02 - Carbon Creek.avi" moviename = "Enterprise" or "Enterprise_20021020_08001200.mpg" = "Enterprise"
- Fixed DVDReader/DVDWriter bug where the drive letters where swapped.
- You can now configure which menu buttons to show or hide, by adding/editing a "visible="true" or visible="false" attribute for each menu item in the skin.xml file (if you need help here, just ask).
- Now pressing "ok" on a folder with a sub folder called "VIDEO_TS" will play the folder as a dvd (or play the dvd, if its a dvd ).
- Since its no longer using .details files this information is no longer read, these files arent checked at all, so just delete them (they are no longer delete aswell, when you delete a file from "my videos" menu).
- Episode lookup requires you have the exact showname and episode name for best results, if you have a two part show eg "(Part 1)" and "(Part 2)" in most cases tv tome just displays it with "(1)" and "(2)" so if you search with the "Part" in the name, chances are it wont be found (the only show i found that didnt follow this was "Stargate Atlantis - The Siege (Part II)".
-Onscreen Keyboard, i changed the skin.xml so it shows "?",",","'" instead of "=","+","_" since these are more useful for the "Episode Lookup".
If you are finding the shows arent being found using "episode lookup" and they have the correct names, let me know and ill see if i can improve it, at the moment it checks about 5 different times until its found.
ps ive update "media experience" to work with this update aswell, but i guess you figured that out from the screen shot.
oh and the skin changes.
<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"><settings>
<!-- text style -->
<!-- Unseen Fonts -->
<TextStyle name="ListFileUnseen" color="#F8BB00" typeFace="Tahoma" size="13" style="bold" align="left" vert="center"/>
<TextStyle name="ListFileFocusUnseen" color="#F8BB00" typeFace="Tahoma" size="13" style="bold" align="left" vert="center"/>
<TextStyle name="IconFileUnseen" color="#F8BB00" typeFace="Tahoma" size="10" style="bold" align="center" vert="center"/>
<TextStyle name="IconFileFocusUnseen" color="#F8BB00" typeFace="Tahoma" size="10" style="bold" align="center" vert="center"/>
<TextStyle name="BigIconFileUnseen" color="#F8BB00" typeFace="Tahoma" size="12" style="bold" align="center" vert="center"/>
<TextStyle name="BigIconFileFocusUnseen" color="#F8BB00" typeFace="Tahoma" size="12" style="bold" align="center" vert="center"/>
<TextStyle name="DetailsFileUnseen" color="#F8BB00" typeFace="Tahoma" size="14" style="bold" align="left" vert="top"/>
<TextStyle name="DetailsFileFocusUnseen" color="#F8BB00" typeFace="Tahoma" size="14" style="bold" align="left" vert="top"/>
<TextStyle name="PreviewFileUnseen" color="#F8BB00" typeFace="Tahoma" size="10" style="bold" align="center" vert="center"/>
<TextStyle name="PreviewFileFocusUnseen" color="#F8BB00" typeFace="Tahoma" size="10" style="bold" align="center" vert="center"/>
Composite Images
<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"><settings>
<CompositeImage name="SelectorList-Unseen" </CompositeImage>
<CompositeImage name="SelectorIcon-Unseen" </CompositeImage>
<CompositeImage name="SelectorBigIcon-Unseen" </CompositeImage>
<CompositeImage name="SelectorDetails-Unseen" </CompositeImage>
<CompositeImage name="SelectorPreview-Unseen" </CompositeImage>
how to translate "Season" and "Series": Add these two lines to language.xml and add the strings they should be translated to.
<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"><translate originalText="Season" translatedText=""/>
<translate originalText="Series" translatedText=""/>[/QUOTE]