Elmo Putney Wrote:Live TV is stable so far, one small problem it throws an exception if I try a DVB-S channel scan.....
Your problem was nothing to do with those patches.
It was ocurring because you had a "TechnoTrend 3200(BDA)" selected as the card to use for you DVB-S capture source, but your bda.ini must have been overwritten or reinstalled since you created this entry in the capture source, so it wasnt finding the entry and was incorrectly assuming it was a DVB-T card for one part of the app.
The only reason it work at all, was because this card happens to use the same filter names as the very first card I supported in GB-PVR, so its filternames were used as the defaults if the entry wasnt found in bda.ini.
I hope I'm not bringing bad news I just had a crash back to desktop exactley like before. It's been ok since you patched me up, so maybee it's something different, if so i'll treat it as a one off, but I thought you'd want to check:
2009-02-18 19:17:11.203 ERROR [1] Unexpected error: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: image
at System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImage(Image image, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height)
at System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImage(Image image, Rectangle rect)
at GBPVRX2.x0061b801bdf12d35.x5a9eb2e1e3e75ea1(ArrayList xdb709c688ba8f3ab)
at GBPVRX2.x0061b801bdf12d35.xdb012c437aec4a40(Boolean xd23bf32f3b17e3be)
at GBPVRX2.xb979ad394703258e.xfb409e85bd292293(String[] xf18a926310372520)