2009-02-19, 03:49 PM
Ongoing trouble with this.
It renames some files, not others.
Log shows:Obviously with the proper path and show names.
My postprocessing.bat is thus:Comskip is run on the file thru gbpvr, creating the .vprj etc.
I just want it to rename things properly and consistently, or find something that does.
It renames some files, not others.
Log shows:
[0]: F:\pathname\show name_20090218_20002100.mpg
[1]: {show}{[-]}{episode}
ERROR: Source file (parameter 0) does not exist.
My postprocessing.bat is thus:
cscript //nologo "C:\Program Files\VideoReDoPlus\vp.vbs" "%~dpn1.VPrj" "%~dpn1_Cleaned.mpg" /t1 /q
Rem RENAME the old .mpg file and rename the new one to the old name
move "%~dpn1.mpg" "%~dpn1_original.mpg"
move "%~dpn1_Cleaned.mpg" "%~dpn1.mpg"
DEL "%~dpn1.vprj"
DEL "%~dpn1.log"
DEL "%~dpn1.txt"
WizRenameRecording.exe "%~f1" "{show}{[-]}{episode}"
I just want it to rename things properly and consistently, or find something that does.
You can never have enough tuners!
Pentium Quad / 4Gb Dual Channel RAM / XPSP3 / 2 x PVR-500, PVR-250 / GB-PVR
Pentium Quad / 4Gb Dual Channel RAM / XPSP3 / 2 x PVR-500, PVR-250 / GB-PVR